Add a script to install openjdk 7 and tomcat 7.It also configures java, javac,keytools and tomcat7.
Backup the /etc/apache2/site-enabled directory.
Remove the code to stop/start ldap server.Change the script name to stop/start tomcat.Also backup
include SSLVerify* directives for client certificates and a pointer for getting the DataONE chain files.
Edited the replicaPolicies script to print out a list of IDs that have a different authoritative member node, the number of successes, and failures at the end.
Add comments to bash script to explain its function and dependencies
Added a bash script to call /replicaPolicies/{pid} via the DataONE API for all objects in a MN or a list of ids.
Add a note to let users know where to run the script.
Change the base directory location.
Add a double quotes at $@. This will make the any argument in the double quotes as one argument.
Pass all arguments to the java class.
Add a script to help administor to manage usrs/groups.
add sample SSLCertificateChainFile directive to DataONE section.
Refer to metacat.war deployments since those are now the default.
include certificate export SSL options as an example (used heavily for DataONE and Metacat Replication)
Added the following values to the HTTPD site configuration: JkOptions +ForwardURICompatUnparsed AllowEncodedSlashes On AcceptPathInfo On
include SSL settings for client certificate-based replication
remove reference to tomcat5.5 in favor of tomcat6. including the "custom" start up script that used the sun jdk -- this can be configured rather than coded into the script.
Merged in the D1_0_6_2_BRANCH changes that include the transition from ObjectFormat calls to ObjectFormatCache calls.
Merge 1.9.2 changes back into the trunk
Create some basic workflow scheduler system installation documents
Create database scripts for workflow scheduler
Add a new line for NameVirtualHost. Otherwise, the host will fail.
Add ssl virtualhost. Change non-ssl to work with ssl.
distribute perl autosplit.ix file with metacat. change tomcat startup script output to echos.
update with more standard ajp13 worker name (not used until apt-get install project)
moved file from metacat/bin to metacat/src/scripts/bash since eclipse uses <project>/bin as a default build directory and these files will consistently get blown away locally by eclipse.
Added files to create any version of database schema from scratch
Scripts to support a debian package build
Move these scripts to the debian directory
use standard ajp13 worker instead of custom knb
moved scripts from bin dir
added lsid apache/ubuntu confguration file (for sites-available)
Export environment variables in tomcat startup file
Initial addition of apache/tomcat configuration files for ubuntu