Add new option for return set size.
Revise the handle query and squery method, not finished yet.
Add a new transform method.
Add a new transferm method for string reader.
Implement harvester scheduing capabilities and sending email reports to the Harvester Administrator
Validate user input data in registration servlet
Improve authorization logic for single file uload servlet
Add delete capability to single file upload servlet
Updates to static html login and upload
Add delay and smtpServer properties
Set content type properly for getversion action.
Added a simple action for finding out the current metacat version. The information is pulled from the property file, so be sure to update the version in the property file before shipping a release.
Fixed a bug in the new recursive SQL statements that prevented them from operating on oracle. Now they should work on both oracle and postgres.
Reformatted source for readability and conformance.
Excluded the update of the xml_index table in insert,update, and delete if the usexmlindex option is set to false.
Reformatted for readability and consistency.
Changed printAttributeQuery() to no longer depend on the xml_index table. Now, if useXMLIndex is false, the method will use a recursive query on xml_nodes to match paths instead of using xml_index.
Some refactoring of the printExtendedSQL() methods to eliminate redundancy in the code andto provide more readable documentation.
Moved decision about whether to use xml_index forquery to the as "usexmlindex". Defaultis now false. Still have some refactoring to do to remove afew more uses of the xml_index table.
Replaced properties file that I accidentally overwrote. Reverting to 1.3.
Removed unused references to abstractpath, and some unudes javascript.
Created new printExtendedSQL function that can get the extendedreturn fields using only xml_nodes and not xml_index. Onestep closer to eliminating the dependence ofn xml_index.
Created test class QuerySpecificationTest and started process of removing the xml_index from the QuerySpecification code. Reformatted some classes for readability.
Removed the "getdataguide" action as it was always experimental and is no longer used in metacat or morpho.
removed the 3 versions of printPackageSQL which are no longer used by metacat. This eliminates some dependency on xml_index.
Harvester properties file
Login page for Harvester Registration Servlet
Implement Harvester Registration Servlet
Additional scheduling logic
Changes to Harvester properties
Changes to log entries
Changes to harvester targets
Made changes in these three files so that getPrincipal returns back more details about users and groups. Users now contain userDN, user Name and user Email. Groups now contain Group name and Group description. So some function calls which returned single string array earlier now returns multiple string arrays. called one of these functions - so accordingly changes were made to fix that part of the code.
Fixed a bug which doesn't occur everytime. The bug occurs when lastid in (cfg).lastid is not unique. i.e. there is already a document in the server which has same docid. The earlier algorithm was:
while(not unique){ get accession number; update accession number written in document; (BUG)...
Added extra parameters (cfg & docid) to be passed on to generic response screen.
Set new URL for the NCEAS registry home. I forgot to commit this earlier.
Made changes so that *.gif and *.png are copied without filtering.
Debug level was changed and a few extra lines were added in last commit.Restored those to previous values.
Added target for installing skins. Target name is install-skin. It is dependent on init. It take skin name as input from user, creates a directory in skins directory and copies files to that directory.
removed sid's space and added a >> before titles, so datasets with no title will still have a clickable link on results listings. Sid's space was not visible unless the user did a mouse-over
added sessionid hidden fields, based on $sessid transformer parameter set by
made changes so that organization name for the site or project is entered beforeany other creater.
Added space at the end of title that is returned back. This is done so that documents with no title can be clicked on.
Made changes in entryForm.tmpl so that it shows site list for specnet skin.
Adding registry skin for SpecNet.
Fixed the bug for sessionid storing, revision couldn't be zero and Ldap DN is case sensitive.
In test client package, get rid of HttpClient in parameter. Because, http client has cookies and we couldn't test session id.
Replaced Hash table with Vector of Vector datastructure in getting <param> from Query. This was done so that the results are represented in same order as they appeared in the document.
fixed a bug in reloading of kewords from an eml file for edit-datapackage form.
Made changes in the formatting display of Project list.
Fixed a bug in sorting of records. Now the result sent back is title sorted.
Fixed bug that version could not be zero in replication.
Minor changes to allow the registry to work in the knb skin, mainly inhow to treat the 'site' field. Now it is a free-text organizationfield in the KNB skin. Need to test, install this on ecoinfo and link itinto the KNB web pages.
Added subroutine for replacing characters that might create problem in HTML.Specifically written for "being used in any text field. This create aproblem in confirmData template, when you specify input name value pair with valuehaving a " in it.
Additional Harvester development
Fixed a small bug.
Fix enter for bug 1306.
Fix for bug 1325. new javascript function added.
Made changes so that & and other characters dont mess up the url that is passed to metacat.
Additional development of Harvester implementation
Added a new OBFS site to the list of sites. Information provided by Stromberg.
Mixed a bug reported by Rick and Dan. The form inserted a organizationName tag with no value. This happened only in NCEAS as the tag was included from the drop down site list which doesnot exsist in NCEAS version. Hence, a empty tag was inserted in the eml document.
Bug 1301 - changes made for a repeatable add keyword button
Bug 1301 - changes made for a repeatable add keyword button.
Made changes to fix bug# 1300: 1,2,3,4
Made text changes mentioned in bug# 1308
Made changes to fix bug# 1326. The templateVar are now passed on to the responseTemplate also in case of error - so that it can show a link which will send all the values back to register-dataset.
Changes made to fix bug# 1326. There is a link which call register-dataset.cgi with all the inputs such as that resgiter-dataset calls reEnterDataSet
Harvester source files
Deleting .project file that was added by mistake by Eclipse (and me).
Comments and notes on registry by Rick Reeves and Andrea Chadden. I have annotated it with bug #s and comments.
Made changes to fix Bug 1311 1)
Added docid in edit form - Bug 1304
Added a view button as mentioned in bug 1304.
Made some hanges mentioned in bug 1297.
Did editing to support changes mentioned in bug 1295
Made changes mentioned in Bug 1295.
deletaData.tmpl added a space in the end of docid. This led to an error while deleteing. This error was pointed out by Rick in his document.
Adding in a web.xml file specific to tomcat 5. Notice servlet.jar isnow servlet-api.jar
The tomcat 5 release notes includes this:
------------------------Enabling invoker servlet:------------------------
Starting with Tomcat 4.1.12, the invoker servlet is no longer available by...
In order to use tomcat five, a couple of changes in web.xml need to take place.I'm adding in web.xml.tomcat5 as a choice with the changes.
deleted versions 22 and r2a to avoid confusion and duplication.
Revisions to Harvester Class Diagram and Harvester Class Descriptions.
Resubmitted as binary. Modification of the Harvester database ER diagram. Includes foreign key added to the XML_DOCUMENTS table from the SITE_SCHEDULE table
Modification of the Harvester database ER diagram. Includes foreign key added to the XML_DOCUMENTS table from the SITE_SCHEDULE table
Fixed hardcoded admin account so that it works with more than just OBFSRegistry.
New site list for NRS reserves in the confgiruation file from K Browne.
Fixed registry bug involving a string comparison (used numericequality instead of string equality).
Adjusted the text on the NCEAS repository page. Changed the project listso that it now displays short title but uses the long title in theentry. This was doen because the long titles were far too long to displaydecently in the list (the box scrolled way off the right of the page).
Removed unneeded Net::LDAP dependency. Now all authentication occursindirectly through Metacat.
Added skin for the UCNRS data registry based on earlier work. Minormodifications to the templates to accomodate this. Fixed a validationbug in the register-dataset.cgi, and removed an unnecessary Net::LDAPlogin as well because the authentication is handled by metacat.
Restoring AuthLdap to previous search filter. Determined that the problem wasa missing o: attribute in the UCNRS LDAP directory. Adding it in makes the oldmethod work. The change I had made caused some confusion about authenticationbecause using just uid for a filter caused too many return dn's, and it was just...
Fixed validation check for samplingDescription.
Another eml.jar version with the appropriate config.xml in place.
New eml.jar that includes the parser bug fix against eml-2.0.0 schemas.
Changed label for NCEAS project group list on the web form.
Changes to re-enable the nceas admindb access for the production install.
Removed some debugging test code that isn't needed.
Revised the registry guide to include descriptions of the new fields, andmade some minor formatting changes.
Changing version in build in preparation for a release.