added more locking support and support for remote update of files.
added more locking functionality for replication
AccessControlList - methods for parsing and loading acl file - checkup method for permission for given principal on given resourceDBQuery - checkup for READ permission using AccessControlList.hasPermission()DocumentImpl - using AccessControlList object to parse and load an acl file into xml_access table...
cleaned up code, added new static methods to MetacatReplication for handling static queries and getting URL content.
updated insert handling and added an action to request the time from a remote server.
created locking action in replication servlet and added semi-support to documentImpl to handle documents updatedee by replicatio
Modified stylesheets and server code to use a single "read" action insteadof the earlier "getdocument" and "getrelateddocument" actions. In theprocess, developed and started to utilize a new suite of URL "protocolhandlers" that are in the package "edu.ucsb.nceas.protocols" and handle...
Fixed typo in create table syntax (added missing comma) for xml_access table.
Modified the build.xml file to support the new protocol handler classes,which need to be built in a separate jar file bust it must be installedas part of the tomcat servlet environment, not the web application. Now acommand of "ant protocol" will create the protocol.jar file, which must be...
Added a new URL protocol handler class for the metacat protocol. Thisclass will replace the current MetacatURL class in a much simpler andextensible manner. See the documentation for for details.
this class allows the parsing of xml data sent by a replication server to assertain document info about a remote document.
added functionality to allow the replication servlet to assertain and insert user and group info into the local database. started implementation of insert replication handler (it is commented out in this commit)
CREATE TABLE xml_access ( docid VARCHAR2, -- the document id # principal_name VARCHAR2, -- name of user, group, etc. permission NUMBER, -- "read", "write", "all" perm_type VARCHAR2, -- "allowed" or "denied" perm_order VARCHAR2 -- "allow first" or "deny first"...
fixed compatibility problem by overloading the write method. Jivka's new parameter (Reader acl) is now defaulted to null if it is not explicitly declared.
fixed typo that was accidentally committed.
added interface to handle a new "acl" parameter bringing the text of a xml access file for a given metadata documentthe "acl" parameter is optional and should be sent on INSERT or UPDATE action.
added ticket_counter and deny attributes to xml_access table
new class for parsing ACL XML file and loading acl data into metacat db
added delete functionality
Add the eml style sheet into metacat module.
added support for server_location in the xml_revisions table.
removed inadvertent comments
added needed table fields for storing document location in xml_documents
removed dependence on a server code in the accession number of each document. the file's resident server is now located in xml_documents.server_location.
changed alpha to dev in odbc driver param
removed servercode param
removed server-code param
no message
added new server_location field to xml_documents with a foreign key to xml_replication.serverid
now updates the xml_replication last_checked field
updated javadoc documentation
fixed bug/typo
added server-code property
added servercode prop.
changed action scheme
Modified pathquery.dtd and QuerySpecification to allow some new constraintson queries submitted to Metacat. Now, queries can contain an optionalset of <owner> tags that identify the users for which documents should bereturned, and a list of <site> tags constraining the site identifiers...
can now send a file to another server
can now download a document from a server
Changed utility query to include the user_owner field rather than thetitle field, which is now obsolete.
Fixed typo in DBSAXHandler debug message.
not needed any more
it is not needed to be here
changes for using SRB v1.1.8 at LTER, NM
SRB v1.1.8
added replication properties
changed naming scheme
servlet to handle metacat replication requests.
a timer based thread that does Delta-T replication checking.
a parser to handle replication xml messages
change for using the db connection
updated xml_relation table
Changed target of the javadoc builds to the build/docs/apiDocs directoryso that we no loger version track the javadoc html files -- they changestoo much between each of the times we would generate them. Also, removedthe old javadoc documentation that was found in the "docs" subdirectory.
Updated the Javadoc documentation so that the current release can be providedon the web site.
Fixed problem with AuthInterface, AuthLdap, and AuthMcat where thesigantures of the methods of these classes were not in agreement, which wascausing AuthLdap to no longer compile. Changed parameter signatures so thatthe 'user' parameter is used consistently in all of the methods.
bug fix about util.openDBConnection() for xmlIndex tread
small fix for exception when srbMaster is not running
not needed
XSLT transformation on "login" and "logout" action
AuthMcat- new class for authentication through MCA; implements AuthInterfaceAuthSession- assigning HttpSession obj only after successful athentication;- cleared isAuthenticated field - not needed- cleared invalidate() method - not neededAuthInterface...
added "qformat=html" form parameter for "login" and "logout" actions
changed action's value:"Login" to "login" "Logout" to "logout"
Modified stylesheets to use the default.css file from the new KNB web site.Also, provided a new resultset.xsl that represents a simple freetext queryof the KNB data repository. Updated build.xml to relect the location of thenew css stylesheet.
Began work on new UI for the KNB web site. It will be the main queryinterface from the KNB website.
Fixed the LDAP authentication adapter ( so that it now looks upthe distinguished name for a user before attempting to do authentication.This is because the user's distinguished name can sometimes be based ontheir uid attribute, but sometimes be based on their cn (common name)...
merge AUTH_LDAP to the main branch
clear System.exit(0) within the static block
Fixed typo in stylesheet.
More user interface changes to the HTML MARINE interface. Minorrearrangement of columns, some link changes.
Replaced imagemap with anchor links in the web interface to simplify therearrangement of the interface. This new feature uses javascript tosubmit the form when the link is clicked.
Various changes to improve consistency of the MARINE and METACAT userinterfaces as presented through the XSL->HTML conversions. Eliminatedone (extraneous) copy of the rowcol.css style sheet in favor of sharinga single css stylesheet in xmltodb/lib/style/rowcol.css. Modified all...
Included script for insert of all eml dtds.
added functionality to return the doctype of a relation in a relationdoctype tag. This information is now returned automatically in the resultset under the path resultset/relation/relationdoctype.
added ability to enterpret relationdoctype tag.
added new linkage to the title in the table
removed debug print statements.
added code for getting stylized related documents
allowed both indexing threads to run without interfering with each other.
made package changes
- cleared copyfile of since it is no longer in use- added copyfile of from xmltodb/lib to the servlet classpath same like
moved it from src/edu/ucsb/nceas/metacat dir to here
fixed bug that caused a nullPointerException when a null resultset was returned.
changed the look of relations
Changed to prevent the insertion if the provided Accession# is in use as Dan suggested.
removed system.out.printlns
added a "server" parameter which tells the system the path to the server on which metacat is running. This is used for metacat:// urls.
added support for urls of the form "metacat://"
added package and resource data and structures
Separate thread used for writing into xml_index table.This cut the time of the response on insert almost in half.The tread is started afterwards(on end of document parsing and inserting into xml_nodes) fromDBSAXHandler and uses new(separate) db connection....
added new fields
added support for returndoc handling.
added a packagedoctype parameter so that the servlet knows what kind of doctype a package
updated for returndoc field
This class syncronously indexes any package file that is loaded into the database.r
Added backtrack functionality. Backtracking works by passing a returndoc parameter. There can be more than one. If a document that is hit by a query is not of type returndoc then it searches the database for a related file of type returndoc. If one is found it is displayed, if no relation is found, the original is displayed....
included new method getPoolSize()