Metacat does not implement CNRegister
Implement CNRead.synchronizationFailed() in MNodeService. Note: The CN URL is not yet available in the SynchronizationFailed exception, but will be once the d1_common_java exception is updated. See Once updated, change this method to explicitly state the CN URL making the call.
Change to be public since it's internal to Metacat, and use read() in D1NodeService after isAuthorized() for the calling Subject from the Session object.
add missing comma in xml_replication insert
include release notes from 1.9.5 branch (includes v 1.9.3 and 1.9.4)
Implement MNRead.listObjects() in MNodeService.
Implement MNRead.describe() in MNodeService.
Implement MNRead.getChecksum() in MNodeService.
Minor formatting changes - tabs to spaces, indents, etc.
Implement [MN|CN]Read.get() in D1NodeService. Added setParamsFromRequest() to pass through parameters from the request object. Since the D1 Authorization API doesn't specify which authentication system a subject belongs to, we don't know if the subject listed is a KNB LDAP DN. isAuthorized() may return true for a mapped identity, but we don't know the DN of the KNB identity per se. This needs to be tested.
-use every Subject in the session (alt Ids and Group membership)-consolidate to single isAuthorized method
throw exception for unimplemented methods
implement resolve() method
implement assertRelation
implement CNReplication.setReplicationStatus() but with a note about selecting which replica's status should be set (right now it is all)
implement CNReplication.setReplicationPolicy
correction: implementation is CN-specific
implement getChecksum() in the superclass
implement getChecksum (retrieves from system metadata)
use shared get() method from superclass
use shared getLogRecords method
Remove isAuthorized(), setAccessPolicy(), and getLogRecords() methods since they're implemented in the superclass.
use Permission, not Event for isAuthorized() methods
do not use pisco for referral testing (merge from 1.9.5)
include different (non pisco) referral account (merge from 1.9.5 branch)include upgrade sql scripts
merge changes from 1.9.5 branch for upgrade process (1.9.3->1.9.4->1.9.5)
merge 1.9.5 changes to trunk (delete now preserves access rules and docs can be read after deletion)
do not delete the access rules when we "archive" the document on "delete" (commented out for now)
allow reading from xml_revision table when we are the doc owner
CNCoreImpl is replaced by CNodeService
implement CNAuthorization
Metacat does not implement CNIdentity - it is a stand-alone service
implement registerSystemMetadata
implement object format methods - using a separate class to do the actual metacat lookup/caching so that teh CN implementation looks cleaner
implement getLogRecords
include latest D1 common/lib changes
On the fullclean target, add code to delete the entired checked-out utilities directory.
add commons-io-2.0.jar dependency to Metacat Client API section
Initial check in of the MNodeService stub methods that implement the D1 MN* interfaces. CrudService methods will be transitioned into this class. The methods follow the D1 0.6.2 API thus far.
Also changed CNodeService to reflect minor changes to the D1NodeService class.
Add a static getInstance() method to CNodeService and make CNodeService a singleton.
Initial check in of the CNodeService stub methods that implement the D1 CN* interfaces. CNCoreImpl methods will be transitioned into this class. The methods follow the D1 0.6.2 API thus far.
CNAuthorization.isAuthorized() and MNAuthorization.isAuthorized() differ. Removed it from the base class.
getChecksum() is intentionally different on the CN vs MN, so I'm removing it as a common method.
Initial check in of the D1NodeService class that provides methods common to both CNodeService and MNodeService implementation classes. The common API methods are:
Methods common to CNCore and MNCore APIsgetLogRecords()
Methods common to CNRead and MNRead APIs...
Get username and password from a property file.
placeholder for setting up certificate manager
remove AuthToken (use session). Remove login() call. Use AccessPolicu object to set public read permission
take getLogRecords impl form CrudService and use in CNCoreImpl
Added NCEAS logo to header.
Begin process of migrating Admin guide to Sphinx. Structure is now set up, butcontent needs to be copied.
escape quotes when processing returnfield with predicates. example:<returnfield>dataset/dataTable/physical/distribution/online/url[@function='download']</returnfield>
Updated MetacatPopulator to now use ObjectFormatCache.getInstance(). Note: problems remain with the authentication API changes - calls to mn.login(), etc. need to be addressed.
New D1 libclient and common 0.6.2 jars with changes to the ObjectFormat schema type (adds isScienceMetadata field).
Removed ObjectFormatService in favor of CNCoreImpl
Updated tests to use ObjectFormatCache.getInstance(), and added tests for CNCoreImpl.listFormats and getFormat().
Added support in ResourceHandler for the /formats collection. Added listFormats() and getFormat() method, both of which call CNCoreImpl methods to handle the call.
Updated CNCoreImpl to implement listFormats() and getFormat(), and changed calls to ObjectFormatCache in IdentifierManager, MetacatHandler to call getInstance(). Removed the ObjectFormatService registration from MetaCatServlet since it is replaced by CNCoreImpl.
Added the /formats collection into the servlet-mappings for D1UrlFilter to handle.
Removed module index from docs because we don't have multiple modules yet.
add option for replicating system metadata (dataone) make sure the latest table changes are included in upgrade scripts
add option for replicating system metadata (dataone)
use Data Manager Library to parse EML when needed in DataONE classes.(augmented DML to parse data format elements in EML to estimate MIME type)
When calling SystemMetadata.getObjectFormat(), return the string value of the ObjectFormatIdentifier rather than ObjectFormat.toString() (which no longer returns the fmtid string).
When calling SystemMetadata.getObjectFormat(), return the value of the ObjectFormatIdentifier rather than ObjectFormat.toString() (which no longer returns the fmtid string).
organize imports so that it is clearer what dependencies exist on the D1 jars
include create() and reserveIdentifier() methods
include override annotation for register method
use Date not joda's DateTime
expose spatial cache regeneration option in the admin interface
force replication for newly-registered system metadata
Merged in the D1_0_6_2_BRANCH changes that include the transition from ObjectFormat calls to ObjectFormatCache calls.
check system metadata for the id as well (in cases when we only have system metadata)
include GUID column for xml_access and related methods for storing/retrieving access rules
implement the old interface for now (until 0.6.2)
include CNCore implementation - only registerSystemMetadata is implemented at the moment. also - updated d1 jar (0.6.2) should be used since that is where the method is defined.would like to consider making ResourceHandler more modular - seems like it does A LOT of different things
include System Metadata forced replication - just need to figure out when to call it!
handle timed replication of system metadata. there are still a few outstanding issues: -track server location of system metadata-only entries-replication policy flag for system metadata-only entries?-locking for replicated entries?-forced replication of entries
read and write D1 access policy rules from metacat xml_access table.still TBD: which mechanism takes precedence when there are systemMetadata access rules and EML access rules and other access rules?
persist system metadata replication policy and status using db tables
rework SystemMetadata creation when inserting documents via the Metacat servlet api (in which case there was no client-supplued system metadata)
do not look in systemMetadata for a docid->guid mapping
use 1.9.4 version
transfer full System Metadata (as XML) during document and data replication
remove docid and rev from systemMetadata table
-remove system metadata guid -> local id mapping (there is no document for system metadata now)-include system metadata elements when replicating data objects (TODO: transfer all system metadata structures with the docinfo request).TODO: remove docid+rev from the systemMetadata table definition
add systemMetadataProvenance table for tracking those relationships
do not use XML files for storing SystemMetadata - use DB tables only.
Committing the change to the utilities tag to pick up fixes in newline handling at the end of the files. With this, the MetacatClientTests pass.
Commenting out these MetacatRestClient tests because the Metacat RestService is no longer registered as a servlet and needs to be removed, along with the associated MetacatRestClient and tests.
Fixed MetaCatServletTest test failures by removing the hardcoded username/passwords used in the tests and replacing those with data from
Fix AuthLdapTest to use accounts that are more reliable when searching for existing accounts in the getPrincipals output.
Modified Metacat to build against the D1_SCHEMA_0_6_1 branch of the dataone schemas by incorporating the 0.6.1-SNAPSHOT version of d1_common and d1_libclient libraries, and refactoring Metacat code references to the d1 schema changed types.
In order to sync up with DataONE 0.6.1 changes, I'm backing out ObjectFormatService changes temporarily in Metacat. Most functionality will be rolled back in using the DataONE 0.6.2 tag, but some methods in ObjectFormatService (such as getListFromDisk()) will be moved into d1_libclient_java.
Added in the 0.6.0 version of the d1_common_java library that has object format changes.
Changes in the DataONE ObjectFormat class deprecate the convert() method, and we're now using Metacat's ObjectFormatService to look up object format attributes. The following changes replace ObjectFormat.convert() with ObjectFormatService.getFormat() in several classes....
Include the DataONE 0.6.0 type schema in the SQL schema and DTD loader script.
Updating the cached object format list to the new DataONE namespace including the 'ns' domain component.
add additionalMetadata/metadata/spatialResolution/value and additionalMetadata/metadata/spatialResolution/units for indexing. Also add missing comma behind additionalMetadata/moderatorComment