


| Revision:
  • svn:ignore: build
  • svn:mergeinfo: /branches/D1_0_6_2_BRANCH:6107-6121

# Date Author Comment
6865 01/07/2012 12:34 PM Chris Jones

Add isAdminAuthorized() to D1NodeService to check if the operation is being requested from a CN. Consult the NodeList from the CN and test the NodeType of the given node and the X509 certificate Subject. Perhaps we should expand this to also check for service-level access in the future.

6864 01/06/2012 01:51 PM ben leinfelder

store D1 configuration properties in the main backup so that they persist between upgrades.

6863 01/06/2012 12:51 PM Chris Jones

In registerSystemMetadata(), lock the pid prior to calling map.containsKey(pid) since a put to the map could occur between the check and the subsequent put().

6862 01/06/2012 10:45 AM ben leinfelder

update authoritative member node id when we change it (reconfiguration) and when we initially register as a MN with the CN.

6861 01/06/2012 09:42 AM ben leinfelder

add description about what becoming a Member Node entails

6860 01/06/2012 07:40 AM Chris Jones

Correctly deserialize the BaseException subclass in handling calls to setReplicationStatus()

6859 01/06/2012 07:23 AM Chris Jones

Use Lock instead of ILock to be consistent across classes.

6858 01/05/2012 06:32 PM Chris Jones

After reviewing CNodeService and D1NodeService prompted by Robert comparing the Hazelcast locking with the d1_synchronization locking, I've made a number of changes that will prevent locking problems:

1) Multiple methods contained try/catch blocks that would:...

6857 01/05/2012 06:02 PM Matt Jones

Converted the metacat-properties chapter to RST format. Still need to merge in
newer changes from the trunk, as I was accidentally working from the 1.9.4
branch for this whole conversion process.

6856 01/05/2012 02:49 PM ben leinfelder

only delete replicated data files (server_location != 1)

6855 01/05/2012 01:37 PM ben leinfelder

use inherited access control from EML for the data file we download from a remote source

6854 01/05/2012 01:06 PM Matt Jones

Removing unused screenshots that are duplicates of the others in the admin doc.

6853 01/05/2012 12:53 PM Matt Jones

Converted Harvester chapter to RST.

6852 01/05/2012 12:06 PM ben leinfelder

download remote data and save locally when it is referenced by an EML package, then include it in the ORE map.

6851 01/05/2012 12:05 PM ben leinfelder

remove systemmetadata replication option -- it is no longer a separate document in metacat

6850 01/04/2012 11:31 PM Matt Jones

Added stub documents for chapters on DataONE and OAI-PMH (to be converted from
Duane's Word doc).

6849 01/04/2012 11:23 PM Matt Jones

Small word choice change.

6848 01/04/2012 11:18 PM Matt Jones

Improved formatting for index.

6847 01/04/2012 11:14 PM Matt Jones

Added AuthInterface chapter, and a License chapter.

6846 01/04/2012 10:53 PM Matt Jones

Converted Event Logging and Sitemaps chapters to RST.

6845 01/04/2012 10:41 PM Matt Jones

Fixed table layout on geoserver and submission chapters. Converted Replication
chapter to RST.

6844 01/04/2012 09:57 PM Matt Jones

Completed 'Submission' page conversion, and also converted GeoServer docs to
RST format.

6843 01/04/2012 04:07 PM Matt Jones

Partial conversion of the accessing and submitting metadata section to RST.
More coming later.

6842 01/04/2012 02:48 PM ben leinfelder

include the EML and data tests in the suite

6841 01/04/2012 02:38 PM ben leinfelder

debugging data locking test

6840 01/04/2012 02:06 PM ben leinfelder

cannot check for deleted data since it is forever available (archived)

6839 01/04/2012 01:22 PM Matt Jones

Updated the configuration section, converted word doc to RST.

6838 01/03/2012 08:02 PM Matt Jones

Updated the Installation chapter, coverted to RST.

6837 01/03/2012 07:32 PM Chris Jones

When the requested count in a call to listObjects() is 0, return an empty object list, not a full one. Fixes

6836 01/03/2012 07:30 PM Chris Jones

Minor formatting for querySystemMetadata().

6835 01/03/2012 04:50 PM Matt Jones

Updated contributors.

6834 01/03/2012 04:48 PM Matt Jones

Modified index to fix typo.

6833 01/03/2012 04:46 PM Matt Jones

Edited introduction to Metacat admin guide, inserted figure.

6832 01/03/2012 04:07 PM Matt Jones

Screenshots from the Metacat admin guide.

6831 01/03/2012 03:57 PM Matt Jones

Updating Sphinx doc structure in prep for moving metacat admin guide to Sphinx.

6830 01/03/2012 03:56 PM ben leinfelder

exapnd permissions on the exisiting access rule not on the permission being checked. (hierarchical permissions)

6829 01/03/2012 03:38 PM ben leinfelder

defer to super class member variables

6828 01/03/2012 11:33 AM Chris Jones

Upgrade to Hazelcast- to try to solve CLIENT_CONNECTION_LOST problems seen on the Coordinating Node.

6827 01/03/2012 11:10 AM ben leinfelder

mark client/servlet API and EarthGrid API as deprecated

6826 01/03/2012 10:56 AM ben leinfelder

upgrade routine to purge empty replicated data files so that they can be re-replicated

6825 12/29/2011 06:22 PM Jing Tao

format the execution time to be a date.

6824 12/28/2011 03:56 PM Jing Tao

Use "post" to replace "get" to fix caching issue on IE.

6823 12/28/2011 03:34 PM Jing Tao

Make the display of the schedule table fit the IE browser.

6822 12/22/2011 11:51 AM Chris Jones

Make sure the local id isn't null when we try to get the object from the local instance.

6821 12/22/2011 11:16 AM Chris Jones

Simplify the error handling, and throw the exception once the CN is updated with the new status.

6820 12/22/2011 11:13 AM Chris Jones

Set the replica status to failed (not invalidated) when we get exceptions trying to read the object bytes. Not much of a difference, but only the CN, in theory, is supposed to be able to set the invalidated status.

6819 12/22/2011 11:07 AM Chris Jones

Set the replication status to invalidated when we have a localId, but getting the object bytes fails for any reason.

6818 12/22/2011 10:51 AM Chris Jones

Only call super.create() if there's no localId found on the MN (ie a replica is there from an out of band process).

6817 12/22/2011 10:40 AM Chris Jones

Get the object inputstream from the local metacat instance using MetacatHandler.get() rather than MN.getReplica() so we don't throw an InvalidToken exception when passing in a null Session. The D1Client object is never used for this local call.

6816 12/22/2011 09:24 AM ben leinfelder

interpret permissions as hierarchical

6815 12/21/2011 01:50 PM Jing Tao

Use submitLoginFormIntoDivAndReload to replace submitLoginFormIntoDiv js function.

6814 12/21/2011 01:00 PM ben leinfelder

remove flag for independent system metadata replication -- these entries are replicated along with the data/metadata objects or via hazelcast when the actual object is not on the server.

6813 12/21/2011 12:33 PM ben leinfelder

update documentation to reflect changes to replication (client certificate)

6812 12/21/2011 10:52 AM ben leinfelder

include SSL settings for client certificate-based replication

6811 12/20/2011 05:13 PM ben leinfelder

do not include the "v1" in the base url for the target MN

6810 12/20/2011 12:19 PM Chris Jones

New D1 jars with a minor CNode.setReplicationStatus() bugfix.

6809 12/20/2011 11:29 AM Jing Tao

The kar id will have version number.

6808 12/20/2011 11:25 AM ben leinfelder

process the current revision, not the latest!
use direct object/system metadata insertion for ORE maps.

6807 12/20/2011 11:21 AM ben leinfelder

allow other Metacat process (system metadata and ORE generation) to directly insert objects and system metadata without having to go through the MN/CN methods.

6806 12/20/2011 11:19 AM ben leinfelder

sort the docids so that "old" revisions are processed before newer ones

6805 12/19/2011 01:07 PM ben leinfelder

only attempt to unlock a lock if it was created (in the finally block)

6804 12/19/2011 12:56 PM ben leinfelder

update tests to comply with these chenages:
new jars with many changes -- including new CN methods: ping, describe, listChecksumAlgorithm. Removed MN.setAccessPolicy. Refactored CN.setOwner() to CN.setRightsHolder().

6803 12/16/2011 04:24 PM ben leinfelder

new jars with many changes -- including new CN methods: ping, describe, listChecksumAlgorithm. Removed MN.setAccessPolicy. Refactored CN.setOwner() to CN.setRightsHolder().

6802 12/16/2011 12:21 PM ben leinfelder

refresh the SystemMetadata entry for EML and referenced data files when parsing EML access rules -- this ensures our in-memory system metadata map is up to date WRT the DB entries.

6801 12/16/2011 11:37 AM Jing Tao

Using a branch name for the utilities project. This branch is a copy of the trunk and it uses the BSD license.
We will move this branch to a tag soon.

6800 12/16/2011 11:00 AM ben leinfelder

add revision history to the generated ORE objects -- we use the revision history of the EML package as a basis because the each ORE revision mirrors the revision of the EML package.
Add a placeholder for checking if an equivalent ORE map exists in the DataONE infrastructure - this will be a call to that looks at the solr index for OREs based on the EML package ID.

6799 12/16/2011 09:56 AM Chris Jones

Update the parameter names expected for listObjects() to reflect the MN API changes in the architecture docs.

6798 12/16/2011 09:44 AM Chris Jones

Change the query semantics such that we implement the MN.listObjects() where the lower datetime bound is inclusive (greater than or equal to" and the upper datetime bound in exclusive (less than). This allows easier paging in client applications.

6797 12/16/2011 09:42 AM ben leinfelder

for test to compile, provide BaseException param for setReplicationStatus. I used a NotAuthorized instance.

6796 12/16/2011 09:37 AM ben leinfelder

adjust after refactoring tests that use EML queries

6795 12/16/2011 07:42 AM Chris Jones

In the call to MNReplication.replicate(), call back to CNReplication.setReplicationStatus() and set the status to failed when we get local exceptions, exceptions from the source MN when calling getReplica(). Send back an exception with a description when setting the status. Add a private setReplicationStatus() method to refactor these calls out.

6794 12/16/2011 07:36 AM Chris Jones

Modify CNresourceHandler.setReplicationStatus() to use the new API signature, including the failure BaseException that is parsed out of the MMP as a file section. Log the exception message. Since this is an asynchronous call, ReplicationManager won't see a failed status, but the MNAuditTask eventually will.

6793 12/16/2011 07:32 AM Chris Jones

Add collectReplicationStatus() to CNResourcHandler to return the BaseException or it's subclass, if any, provided in the the call to setReplicationStatus. The exception will be reported on the CN.

6792 12/16/2011 07:29 AM Chris Jones

Change setReplicationStatus() to drop serialVersion and report the failure exception message in the CN log.

6791 12/16/2011 07:13 AM Chris Jones

Add new D1 jars with update CNreplication API changes to SetReplicationStatus().

6790 12/15/2011 05:32 PM ben leinfelder

query for deleted metadata when testing that replication communicated the deletion. to check data, we try to update the data object on the target node (which should fail)

6789 12/15/2011 05:11 PM ben leinfelder

add test for data locking

6788 12/15/2011 01:59 PM ben leinfelder

delete data and eml on the home Metacat and check that the change propagates to the target

6787 12/15/2011 01:29 PM ben leinfelder

set SystemMetadata.archived=true on MN.delete
There is ongoing discussion on what the exact behavior should be here, but this mimics Metacat's delete-as-archive action.

6786 12/14/2011 08:48 AM Chris Jones

In MNodeService.replicate(), check to see if we have a replica (via an out of band channel) before we call sourceMN.getReplica().

6785 12/13/2011 05:28 PM ben leinfelder

actually include the test in the suite

6784 12/13/2011 05:17 PM ben leinfelder

EML replication test with insert, update and set access

6783 12/13/2011 05:06 PM ben leinfelder

only create guid->docid mapping during metadata replication if it does not already exist

6782 12/13/2011 04:50 PM ben leinfelder

do not treat access change as an update -- it should not attempt to retrieve the contents of the object

6781 12/13/2011 04:36 PM Jing Tao

Change the ecogrid tag to 1.2.2.RC5.

6780 12/13/2011 04:18 PM ben leinfelder

only create guid->docid mapping during data replication if it does not already exist

6779 12/13/2011 03:30 PM ben leinfelder

remove xml_acccess.docid reference (oops)

6778 12/13/2011 03:15 PM ben leinfelder

test update and set access during replication from A->B

6777 12/13/2011 12:22 PM ben leinfelder

updated D1 API -- removed Permission.REPLICATE and associated parameters

6776 12/13/2011 11:51 AM ben leinfelder

a minute for replication?

6775 12/13/2011 11:34 AM ben leinfelder

process system metadata before access rules (access control is now driven by GUID so the mapping needs to be there)

6774 12/13/2011 11:06 AM Jing Tao

Change the key of query result cache. The key now has the real search value.

6773 12/13/2011 10:58 AM ben leinfelder

include SerialVersion in describe response
NOTE: d1 jars should be replaced once all schema changes are finalized and the generate d1_common code is committed to svn

6772 12/13/2011 09:17 AM ben leinfelder

comment out B->A test

6771 12/12/2011 04:33 PM ben leinfelder

use correct URLs for replication/Metacat client

6770 12/12/2011 02:57 PM ben leinfelder

simple tests for 2-way data replication

6769 12/12/2011 01:22 PM ben leinfelder

ROLLBACK: check for non-public session in Metacat before showing the registry form

6768 12/12/2011 12:41 PM ben leinfelder

check for non-public session in Metacat before showing the registry form

6767 12/12/2011 11:26 AM ben leinfelder

redirect to the registry form following successful login - but allow an override in case we only want to render the success and stay there (ajax call from main sanparks page).

6766 12/12/2011 10:50 AM ben leinfelder

include 'archived' system metadata element in backing DB store