Add a junit test for the IndexGenerator class.
Add a new class which will generate index for the ids.
Add code to get all doc ids in the solr server.
Add a remove(List) method in the class and an obsoletes list parameter in the update method.
Add the getSystemMetadata and getObsoletes methods.
Merging the METACAT_2_0_6_BRANCH changes for [M|C]NodeService into the trunk.
change the solr end point to be the localhost.
Change the default solr endpoint to be the localhost.
Base the configuration to create either EmbeddedSolrServer or HttpSolrServer.
Add some new properties for the solr.
Read the solr configuration file name and collection name from the property file.
Print out the solr query result in the xml format.
naive version of SolrServerFactory - no reflection. It returns an EmbeddedSolrServer implementation based on the solr.homeDir set in Settings class.
simplify testing with embedded solr server locations -- no need to copy solr-home or set system properties. Still more to do (factory method) but this is getting cleaner.
add place-holder for using SolrServerFactory to get the correct SOlrServer impl during application init
clean up configuration initialization
clean up logging for hz config file error
rely on Settings loaded from test resources config rather than hardcoding the paths in code.
include test resource bundles to be loaded into Settings configuration during testing.
move hazelcast config file location code into the MetacatIndexServlet init method
do not skip tests during metacat-index package phase.
use integration-test ("mvn verify") to test things that require Metacat to be running. These classes should end be named "*" and unit tests that do not require metacat to be running can be named "*" -
format before editing.
Comment out the testRemove method temporarily.
Temporarily to comment out the remove test.
Add a test method to test the update method.
Add the update method.
Add documents for updating solr index.
Add a solr.homeDir property.
Get the solr home dir from the
Set the test solr home in the target directory.
Add the necessary files for the solr home.
Set the hazelcast.xml path for the test.
Add a query method in the test.
split the deployment of metacat-index.war copy into two different tasks so that the "install" target puts it in both the /dist and "deployment directory" whereas the "install-metacat-index" bypasses metacat building and kust rebuilds the metacat-index.war and puts it in the deply directory.
copy the metacat-index.war file to the app.deploy.dir rather than dist.dir.
correctly look up the context init parameter for the metacat properties file
Move this file to the solr home and rename it to the schema.xml.
Add the solr home directory.
include the objectPathMap name in the (used by metacat-index component)
lookup the hz client connection information from the hazelcast.xml file being used by metacat.
build metacat-index.war using maven and copy to the metacat /dist folder.
start the SystemMetadataListener for each solr index configured (expecting only one).
Remove this obsoleted file.
draft for sharing the with the metacat-index webapp.
add methods to set the SolrIndex instance and initialize the listener (includes overloaded constructor)
use SystemMetadata parameter for inserting into SolrIndex
Change one parameter type of the insert method from the InputStream to the SystemMetadata.
Add a file prefix to tell it is absolute path.
Excludes the slf4j-log4j12.jar for removing duplicated class.
The module will create a servlet class in a war file.
Add a web.xml file for the war.
add first pass at listening for SM events on HZ. Note that the configuration and even the call to solrIndex.insert() are not actually working.
Make EmbeddedServer work. It is for solr 3.4 since the d1_cn_index_processor depends on that version.
Use the EmbeddedSolrServer to replace HttpSolrServer. Now it still has some issues.
Add junit test class to test the SolrIndex class.
Add insert method for SolrIndex.
Remove the file generated by the wizard.
use updated EML stylesheet tag.
Figured out to read beans from the configuration file.
use more modern approach for web.xml: schema instead of dtd for web-app declaration.
Add the dependency of solr-solrj.
Add the repository and dependency of the d1_cn_index_processor.
add the metacat-index component. It has nothing right now.
remove explicit reference to KNB when Metacat may not be deployed as the KNB node. This has bothered my for a while, too.
Add a new class ApplicationController.
allow verification date to be updated for replicas (patch from Skye).
(generated image commit) add ObjectPathMap reference for an indication about how we might read the bytes of a science metadata file for generating the index events.
add ObjectPathMap reference for an indication about how we might read the bytes of a science metadata file for generating the index events.
add new Stand-alone indexer component that can utilize more of the cn-index-processor code (Spring configuration) as is. Include Hazelcast reference to illustrate listener mechanism for responding to events that affect the index.
Add an example of the solr index configuration file.
Change the name of the class SolrFieldParser to IDocumentSubprocessorFactory.
Add SolrDoc and SolrElementField class.
Add a new class SolrFieldParser and remove some classes like GenericIndex.
include class diagram for components in the cn-index-processor packaage (dataone), metacat, and solr library.
switch to non-snapshot EZID client jar.
use new, dedicated, LTER test account for LDAP referral test.
added more classes to the index diagram to reflect current state of the code - needs to be updated to include plan for implementation (e.g., DocType object is not what we want).
enable plantuml generation when building the sphinx documentation. note that you do need to have graphviz installed, but hopefully that is all.
select only distinct guids (synch may have failed more than once for any given guid)
include not allow removal of server_location = 1 documents (these are not replicas).
add README note about DOI support
include size and format datcite elements (optional) and use more general resourceType without formatId in them (Dataset/metadata and Dataset/data).
lookup the title for EML files when registering DOIs.lookup the creator from DataONE CN (if available).add EML-based test.
Set the session to null so that the call uses the CN certificate when calling MN.systemMetadataChanged();
To keep all nodes up to date with regard to system metadata changes, add the broadcastSystemMetadataChange() method that finds replica MNs in the node list and calls systemMetadataChanged(). Modify setReplicationStatus() and updateReplicationMetadata() to fire this off when a replica status changes to completed. We may decide to inform MNs at other times too, but this is a conservative amount of calls going to the MNs for now.
include the create test in the suite
refactor DOI registration into separate class.
refactor using ezid-client changes that split field names and values into separate enums.
Correctly mint and register DOIs in teh MN API implementation. Add tests to exercise minting and creating.
reference the correct entry for "guid.ezid.enabled"
use correct default ezid service baseURL
register DOIs with minimal DataCite metadata. still need to determine which details to include and when, but the plumbing is in place as we refine those rules.
class for removing failed/invalid replicas from target nodes that previously held replicated content (KNB/LTER/PISCO/etc).
add section about behavior for deprecated Metacat API.
add DOI development page.
disable EZID/DOI minting by default since we do not yet have a means of tracking minted DOIs and augmenting metadata for them when we actually receive the object in a subsequent create() or update() call.
use utilities 1.3.0 tag
add solr index documentation outline.