Add the code to make sure that the event, ip address, principal and userAgent were recorded.
Handle the IOException which was added to MockCNode constructor.
Change the constructor's signature since the super class - MultipartDCNode was changed.
Add comments explaining limits on max_upload_size property.
Modify v1 and v2 calls to MultipartRequestResolver to use MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE from configuration.
The constrcutor of EventLogData missed the user-agent field. So the user-agent wasn't recorded. The bug was fixed.
Lower the file size limit to deal with max size of Integer issue.
organize imports. move exception-throwing method call into try block.
use HttpMultipartRestClient since the DefaultHttpMultipartRestClient was removed from d1_libclient_java
Updated D1ResourceHandler to not hardcode a file size limit. This will allowlarge, multi-gigabyte files to be uploaded, but still needs testing. The limitis now drawn from the file. An alternative would be to inspectthe Content-Length header of the request and set the max to a value greater than the...
The setReplicationStatus method only supports sid and the setRightsHolder method supports both PID and SID.
Add the code transform a sid to a pid in publish, getPackage and view method. Fefer dataONE #6734.
Fixed a bug that it should use getReplica rather than get method.
Add the option -h for tar command in order to follow the link.
Add the test case 18. Refer
Add two more test cases. Refer
The CN.setReplicationPolicy method now only support PIDs. Refer to
Used the new concept - end to determine the head object of an SID chain.
Add the case 15 refrence the page
Add more test cases from the page
Went through the v2 ObjectFormatList and convert every v2 ObjectFormat to v1 ObjectFormat and put them into a v1 objectFormatList.
Added the more test cases to get the head version of a SID. See
Added a test case and fixed a bug.
Add the code to check a system metadata having the missing obsolescence field rather than to modify system metadata.
Implemented 4 rules to determine the head version of a sid chain.Add the test case 14 for testing.
Add the log messages to indicate the hazelcast synchronization starting and ending.
Add the code to handle sid in the publish method.
Add the code to exclude the sid in the view and getPackage.
Add a junit test for the converter.
Add a converter to convert the V2 Log object to the V1 Log object.
Add the rules to check the if a sid is valid in the updateSystemMetadata method.
Implemented the feature to support the identifier(both sid and pid) feature in the objectLists method.
The MN.listobjects and CN.listobjects methods will call the one in the D1NodeService class.
Add the code to check if the pid is an SID in the registerSystemMetadata method.
Add code to check if the sid equals pid for the method checkSidInRegisterSystemMetadata.
Moved the rules for the SID from D1NodeService.create to MNodeService.create.Also moved the code to check the validation of an pid from D1NodeService.create to MNodeService.create, MNodeService.replicate and CNodeService.create.
Add the code to check if a sid is legitimate in the method create and registerSystemMetadata.
The the code to handle sids on the v2 api - setReplicationPolicy, setReplicationStatus, setAccessPolicy and setObsoletedBy.
Add the code to handle if a identifier is a sid in setAccessPolicy, setReplicationPolicy, setObsoletedBy and setRreplicationStatus.
Comment out a print of an error message. It will show up for every public request.
Add the code to handle SID in the getLogRecords method.
In the getLogRecords method, the pidFilter is checked if it exists.
use new IDocumentDeleteSubprocessors to handle clean-up of annotation index fields when annotations are removed.
Fixed a bug that the getLogRecords can't handle the case that the event is null.
moved RDF XML subprocessor to cn-index project.
Add the code to check the if the new series id is legitimate in the systemMetadataChanged method.
move RDF/XML subprocessor and example configuration with SPARQL query to the cn index project from metacat so that it can be used by prov team when indexing ProvONE models in ORE documents
add fieldsToMerge property for annotation updates
add stub merge method to match Skye's recent refactoring to support reindexing when deletes are performed.
Add the code to test series id in the archive, delete, isAuthorized and systemMetadataChanged method.
Add the code to support the sereis id on isAuthorized and systemMetadataChanged method.
Add the code to handle the sid in the delete and archive method.
Add the code to test the create and update methods using invalid sid in the system metadata.
Fixed a bug in comparing two identifiers in the update method.
Add a check that the sid shouldn't equals the pid in the update and create method.
Add the code the check if the format of the sid is valid in the system metadata.
Add the enforcement for the sid in the create method.
Enforce the sid requirement in the update method.
Check if the identifier is a sid for the v1 update.
Add the code to test getChecksum.
Add the code to handle the deleted identifier in the checking v1 system metadata existing method.
Enforce the mn.getChecksum only to handle an PID.
Add the test code for getSystemMetadata(sid) and describe(sid).
Add the series id to the system metadata.
Implement the series id in the getSystemMetadata method.
Looking for sid for the method describe.
Add two updates on the testGetSID method.
Add the code to test getting test series ids.
Refactor the code to check a pid exists in the v1 api.
Modified the get method to handle the sid in the v2 api.
Change methods'name base on the change on the source code.
Change a method name to use pid rather than guid.
Add the code to test the methods of determining if a sid or guid exists.
use refactored classes from cn-index-processor. still in flux, but improving to better handle non-xml files
Add a test method to the method to get head version of a sid.
Add the code to get the most recent version of a sid which all pids are obsoleted.
Change the test method base on the change of throwing a new sql exception on the getLocalId method.
Fixed a bug that the method getLocalId swallowed an exception incorrectly in the IdentifierManager.
Fixed a bug that some service failure exceptions were handled as the NotFound exception.
add accessors for bean property
use ISolrDataField because RDF subprocessor uses the SparqlField subclass.
use input stream instead of Document for resource map processing test
Change the number of the schema feilds.
update classes and context files that use cn-index-processor classes. allowing document subprocessors to be less tied to XML.
1. In the identifierExists method, the code to check if the identifier exist on the serial-id fields of the system metadata table.2. Fixed a bug on the identifierExists - it considered an identifier didn't exist when the determining process threw an exception.
Add a method to check if a serial id exists.
Add a method to get the pid of the head version of a sid.
add Annotator Store implementation -- pass through to D1 API for the AnnotatorJS API
remove annotator service test -- this feature has been moved upstream
use 2.5.0 for current DB version
Don't remove postgresql 8.4 and 9.1Don't remove data directory of postgresql 8.4
use getCookie action now that portal has different getToken action.
include person's full name in the JWT returned from /token
Overwrite the default node id (which value is metacat) from the Otherwise, the test will fail.
Add the code to install the build-essential package.
Merge the java 1.6 support node for 2.4.2 release.
merge updates from 2.4.2 changes
Merge changes in the 2.4 branch into the trunk for the ORNL Mercury schema support. References
This schema is maintained by Jim Green ( and Ranjeet Devarakonda ( The schema uses a subset of the FGDC 1998 CSDGM elements, along with custom elements specific to the Mercury Metadata web application. Support is included in Metacat for Coordinating Node operations in the DataONE network.