Mark the entity metadata sections in metacatui EML transformations
Use the ecogrid 1.2.3 tag to replace the branch.
Fixed an null pointer issue in this class.
Changed the FGDC MetacatUI theme translation so that it displays nicely in MetacatUI and works correctly
comment the statement related to the removed file lib/oa4mp_client.xml.
Add a new method -updateSystemMetadata. It only can be called by CNs.
Add more scenario for check isAuthorized.
Refactory the authorize methods on D1NodeService.Add the check for whom can call mn.updatesystemMetadata.
Committed the change which Andreit did. 1. Add the code for synchronize(not implemented)2. Add the code for addForm.
Make target and source code to be compatiable to java 1.7 rather than 1.6.
Get the node id from the instead of the hard coded one.
Modified the dataone.nodeid from blank to urn:node:METACAT_TEST. Now the mn.updateSystemMetadata only allows be called on the authoritative node of a pid. In order to make junit test work, we need to have a value there.
Remove the obsoleted test class.
Removed the obsoleted test class.
remove portal servlet and configuration - no need for this if we are supporting auth tokens from authentication service.
defer to D1 PortalCertificateManager to pull authentication credentials from the request before defering to old Metacat cookie session
Now for the untrusted certificate, the client throws an exception rather than returning null.
Add a initial test.
Add a test in it. Otherwise it failed and said there is not tests found.
Add the code to check the authorization of the client which is reindexing a pid.
Created the updateSystemMetadata method.
Add the code to check if the current node is the authoritative node for the the given pid.
Add the check of permission to update the system metadata.
include 2.4.3 release notes from branch
add whoami endpoint to make debugging authn/authz easier as we use additional mechanisms for proving identity.
include 2.4.3 upgrade scripts in the trunk (merged from branch)
Change the test case base on the change on checking sid of the create method.
Remove the code to check sid on create and registerSystemMetadata.
remove d1_annotator servlet from web xml - not used anymore
Fixed a bug that put the detail code in a wrong position.
Add the junit test for testing the updateSystemMetadata method.
Add the code to check if a user tries to modify an immutable field on system metadata.
If an Event object is null in the v1 log entry, we won't add it to the log.
use singleton for getting JWT token - refactor in d1_portal project
Remove the "#none" href attribute from links in the MetacatUI metadata entry form.
add notes about when metacat-index.war and metacatui.war files should be deployed.
use secure context url for loading XSLTs in db transform
remove d1_annotator and tests from project -- should be used elsewhere.
include d1_annotator dependency
Add a code to test the getLogRecord method handling SID.
Change the schema test according the change on the schema itself.
ReplicationServices.getUrlStream(url) callers were not closing the inputstream properly, as was revealed when switching to libclient v2 (a pooling connection manager in HttpClient) and encountering reasource leaks.
merge CN annotation context files to metacat (MN) to support semantic index fields.
merge CN solr schema to metacat (MN) to support prov and semantic index fields.
remove classes annotator classes that have moved to a different project under dataone's github.
bullet-proofed exception handling in ReplicationService.getURLStream, to make sure client communication exceptions are handled and logged.
fixed getSSLClient method.
fixed class name typo.
fixed private getSSLClient method for HttpClient v4.3 compatibility. Now also caching the RestClient for reuse to save overhead.
Make the REST api work for views.
Add the junit test method for listViews.
Add the code to support CNView interface in CNodeService. Both CNodeService and MNodeService share the same code base.
Add classes and attributes to the object name and online distribution link elements in the MetacatUI theme.
Add a test method to test v1.getFormat.
Transform the ObjectFormat from v2 to v1 in getFormat method.
do not require site parameter if
Make them executable.
Add a script file to restore knb db from a dumped file.
Add a script to dump the knb database.
add step about enabling CGI module.
Add a read timeout for the connection. See bug
remove unnecessary Make step in registry installation instructions.
Display text nodes in EML when the value is directly in the text node or in a <section> tag or in a <para> tag (in metacatui skin)
It is tricky to determine if the type works since v2.SystemMetadata extends from v1.SystemMetadata.We have to set true that the return object is v1.SystemMetadata, also set false that the return object is not v2.SystemMetadata.
Convert the v2 system metadata object to v1 in the getSystemMetadata method.
Add the test code for v1 api.
Completed the 18 test cases.
Use the log to the replace system.out.print.
Add more test cases for the method getHeadVersion.
The setObsoletedBy only handles PID.
The method setObsoletedBy only hanldes SID.
Added the code to handle put method in meta url. See bug
Add the code to handle the PUT method for meta url. See
Add test cases for the method getHeadPID.
Add the code to get the head version.
Add the timestamp for the printing out the start and end of hazelcast synchronization.
Add a test case for testing sid chains.
Call the method lock.lock() immediately after getting the lock. Otherwise, if an exception happened between the two calls (in another word, lock.lock() was called), lock.unlock() can cause an issue:Current thread is not owner of lock!See
Add the code to test only 512 characters can be written to db.
Add a cap to only write 512 characters of the user-agent to db.
Add the code to make sure that the event, ip address, principal and userAgent were recorded.
Handle the IOException which was added to MockCNode constructor.
Change the constructor's signature since the super class - MultipartDCNode was changed.
Add comments explaining limits on max_upload_size property.
Modify v1 and v2 calls to MultipartRequestResolver to use MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE from configuration.
The constrcutor of EventLogData missed the user-agent field. So the user-agent wasn't recorded. The bug was fixed.
Lower the file size limit to deal with max size of Integer issue.
organize imports. move exception-throwing method call into try block.
use HttpMultipartRestClient since the DefaultHttpMultipartRestClient was removed from d1_libclient_java
Updated D1ResourceHandler to not hardcode a file size limit. This will allowlarge, multi-gigabyte files to be uploaded, but still needs testing. The limitis now drawn from the file. An alternative would be to inspectthe Content-Length header of the request and set the max to a value greater than the...
The setReplicationStatus method only supports sid and the setRightsHolder method supports both PID and SID.
Add the code transform a sid to a pid in publish, getPackage and view method. Fefer dataONE #6734.
Fixed a bug that it should use getReplica rather than get method.
Add the option -h for tar command in order to follow the link.
Add the test case 18. Refer
Add two more test cases. Refer
The CN.setReplicationPolicy method now only support PIDs. Refer to
Used the new concept - end to determine the head object of an SID chain.