Use the TypeFactory to replace the TypeMarshaller according to the change in the d1_common_java.
Add the "forward" value for the "dispatcher" in the filter mapping. So the proxy (using forward) and direct request will use the same filter.
Clone a system metadata object in order to pass a test - updateSystemMetadata.
Use the key word "packages" to replace the "package".
Decode the string of the uri after we break the uri into parts base on the "/".
The mn-demo-6 is a v2 member node.
Use the D1NodeVersionChecker to determine the mn's version rather than using ping.
When the cn.notifyReplicaNodes method, if the target MN source code is a v2 mn, we will use v2 api; if it is a v1 node, we will use v1 api.
Add a test case to test against a v1 cn.
A test class is used to test the D1NodeVersionChecker class.
A new class is used to get the version of service for a given node.
Only support the application/bagit format in the getPackage method.
Change the format id to be "application/bagit" in the getPackage method.
Use the status of to guess the version of the source node in the replicate method.
In the replicate method, it will use the v1.getReplica method if the source node only supports v1 replication service.
Increased the serial version number before updating the system metadata.
Fixed a bug to increase the serial version
The code was added to compare the serial version in the updateSystemMetadata method. If the serial version in the new system metadata is less than or equals previous version, an exception will be thrown.
Increase the version number after updating the existing object's system metadata in the update method.
Increased the serial version during the test.
Increase serial version during the test of updateSystemMetadata method.
Fixed a possible null exception in the updateSystemmetadata method.
Restore the commented out tests.
Add more test to test the code to create branch obsolete chain.
In the MN.updateSystemMetadata method, when we set the obsoletedBy and obsoletes method, we will check if those values already exist in other chains.
Add a test method to test the update of the obsoletes and obsoletedBy fields.
Add the identifier in the message of the exception when a client tries to reset the obsoletes or obsoletedBy fields.
Check the obosoletedBy and Obsoletes only can be set once.
Add the code to test a MN to call setReplicationStatus successfully.
The method of setReplicationstatus can be called by CNs and MNs.
merge from V2 impl: check for optional "failure" param instead of throwing exception when it is missing (often is).
For sample Apache config, disable SSLv2 and SSLv3 in favor of TLS.
check for optional "failure" param instead of throwing exception when it is missing (often is).
Fixed a possible null pointer exception bug.
Add the code to test that non-cn session can't call some methods like registerSystemMetadata, updateSystemMetadata and et al.
Use the getCNSession to replace the getTestSession which was a actual getCNSession.
Only CNs can call those methods:CNCore.registerSystemMetadata()CNCore,updateSystemMetadata()CNReplication.setReplicationStatus()CNReplication.updateReplicationMetadata()CNReplication.deleteReplicationMetadata()
Add the test to test new rules: cn and other client calling the method on the authoritative node can call the mn.update.
On mn.update and mn.updateSystemMetadata, those clients are allowed:1. CNs.2. Clients with appropriate permission calling the method on the authoritative nodes.
Excluded a non-test class in the test target.
Add some thread sleeping time to make checking wait the process.
Deleted a unnecessary test class.
Make more cap for the testing.
When compare the dateUploaded, now we use sysmetadata.getDateUploaded().getTime(). It used systemmetadata.getDateUploaded() (Date objects) to compare.
Add code to catch the BaseException in the updateSystemMetadata method.
Add the code to handle if the cn is null.
Add a new version of this document from the svn trunk. The changes are all documentation.
Add v2 to the service.version list.
Handle multiple versions (v1 and v2) of a service in getCapacity method.
Insert a document with different authoritative node id. So we can test querySystemMetadata by more cases.
Add a junit test to test the querySystemMetadata method.
Use MetacatUI 1.7.1 tag in Metacat build
Use the NodeReference object to replace the replicaStatus to restrict the listObjects method.
[re]register DOI when system metadata is updated (typically access policy).
Change the signature of listObject method - remove replicaStatus and add nodeId.
Add the code to call cn.synchroinize at the method of updateSystemMetadata.
Throw an exception if the request doesn't specify the name of the theme in the view method.
use objectFormat.extension in cases where we need to construct a filename for download.
Add the code to insert entries in xml_catalog for the iso119139 objects.
Add a junit test class to test the insert of iso119139 object.
Add the sql command to insert schemas for iso119139.
Add the schemas for ISO-119139/isotc211.object.
use v1 and v2 xsl as appropriate for rendering d1 types (object format list, mostly)
Add an iso text file.
use MediaType from v2.SystemMetadata and v2.ObjectFormat to better determine mime-type, charset and filename for the get() method.
correct logout method (old change still in workspace)
Add a junit test case to test the write/read of new fields in the system metadata.
Add the test suite.
Fixed a bug that two columns were missing in the sql command.
Add the code to read/write the new system metadata fields - file name, media type and media type properties into the db tables.
Add code to update smmediatypeproperties table.
add logout implementation - calls server and clears cookie jar.
Add the code to create smMediaTypeProperties table.
Add the code to create a new table smMediaTypeProperties.
Change the name of the foreign key on the smMediaTypeProperties.
Add a new table smMediaTypeProperties to store the properties associated with a media type.
Add a new version of the schema.
Throw an exception if the saving system metadata fails.
Add the code to roll back the saved system metadata if the object can't be saved.
Add the media_type and file_name columns.
Add two columns media_type and file_name.
Index science metadata fields for the Dublin Core Extended metadata format. - Use d1_cn_index_processor 1.4.5 in metacat-index and update beans with new dcx subprocessor and xsi namespace
Add the code to add dataone schema v2 in the xml_catalog table.
Add the code to add dataone schema v2 in the xml_catalog table.Fixed the bug the new column should be series_id rather than guid.
Add the data schema from dataone svn trunk. It maybe needs to be updated in future.
Add a hash of a new index schema.
Don't use ssClient as a class field. Now it is a local variable. This fixed an issue that two statements using the client caused the exception - Read timed out.
Uncomment the code to copy the file to web-inf.
refs: #7092. found another unclosed inputStream, this time in ReplicationService.handleForceReplicationDataFileRequest(...).
fixes #7092: added finally clause to ReplicationHandler.update method to unconditionally close the inputStreams it keeps in a Vector. Needs testing.
Use the wild card in the class path. So it will not be pain if the jar files were changed.