A new action named export was add to it. This action will export a zip output stream for a data package. In the zip output stream, meta data documents, data files and a html summary file are include. The stucture will looks like:package----/metadata/metadata docments...
Two metacat util methods were add. One is getDocIdFromString and the other is getVersionFromString. They output a docid and revision if a string like str1.str2.str3. were passed to them.
A method named transformXmlDocument were overload. It transform an XML document to StringWriter using the stylesheet reference from the db.
A public method named getZippedPackage() and other relative private methods were add to this class. The public method can give a zip output stream if a docid and other parameters were passed to it.
A property named "morpho" was added. It is the path for morpho.jar. (Now, in DBQuery class some morpho package class are used). Morpho was added to cpath too. During the "install", morpho willbe copy to the target too.
In QBQuery class some classes - Triple and TripleCollection, which come from morpho package wereused. So morpho.jar was added to metacat libray. The reseaon to use these class is xml document need to be parsed and get docids' relationship.
Adding the style sheet of html file in zip data package for morpho to metacat.So the html summary file can have the same style in morpho and metacat zip package.
Adding a new doctype and its publicid="-//NCEAS//eml-generic//EN".It connects http://server@style-path@/generic-morpho.xsl.So the html files in zip data package have the same style sheet for both morpho and metacat.
Some code format problem was fixed.
The bug was fixed.After a referral exception happend, we should set enviroment properties again before creating a contex. These environment properties include PROVIDER_URL, SECURITY_PRINCIPLE, SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, REFERRAL, and INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACOTRY. Otherwise, you couldn't get a naming exception.
Removed an obsolete filter fromthe build.xml file.
Updated installation instructions to reflect the new procedures involvedwith the changes to build.xml.
Modified the build.xml file to make it easier to set up the configuration.There is now a "config" target in which all of the properties that are usuallymodified are located. Also, now one sets the location of tomcat and thewebapps dir, and chooses a name for the tomcat context, and everything else...
Authentication bug was fixed (bug 408).However, it needs to test if referral cotaining a referral.
xerces.jar was update to 1.4.4
Please check it.
In order to fix bug 408 (authentication), some important variables' valueswere followed.
took my password out of the build file
integrated the postgres and oracle properties into one build file. now, if you want to switch between oracle and postgres, you just change the 'depends' attribute in the 'init' target. also, I fixed the path to the servlet.jar file to match up with where tomcat now stores it (lib/common/servlet.jar instead of lib/servlet.jar).
Modified the build file to point at the proper eml directory so that the"getdtd" target can find the right files to be checked out.
Committed changes to the build file so that it properly copies the Xalanjar files instead of the oracle xml parser which has been eliminated.
Added qformat parameter for switching css stylesheets.
Fixed bug in login.xsl that was preventing a successful xslt transform. Nowsuccessful logins redirect correctly, unsuccessful ones redirect to thelogin page again.
Set the qformat parameter so the stylesheets can use it for conditionalprocessing.
Added new stylesheets for displaying the eml-attribute and eml-entity modules.
Changed the link urls in the eml-dataset display stylesheet to use thedefault style-set as set in the build file rather than hard-coding thevalue 'html'. This allows more flexibility in switching styles, for examplewhen setting up the marine, nrs, and obfs sites.
fixed error with dist target so that it now copies the source correctly
updated all of the returndoctypes so that emlbeta4 and emlbeta6 will show up in the resultset.
fixed error I introduced when I got postgres working
changed dtd dir
changed the datadir again
changed datadir variable from install-dir to installdir
removed old properties
fixed minor error
made postgres db name independent from my name
we no longer need this jar file. all of its functionality was replaced by xalan.
jar files for xalan
updated metacat so that the xmlparserv2.jar file is no longer needed. replaced all of teh oracle xml processing with xalan and xerces.
fixed typo in web.xml file
updated the web.xml file. took out download servlet and marineservlet.
jar files needed for metacat.
created dummy versions of the oracle and postgres build files
readded the oracle stuff to te build file
made a ton of changes related to keeping oracle SQL code out of the main classes. fixed a bug where the timing of the index thread was off so when it went to index a document, the document was not already in xml_documents thus breaking the FK relation between xml_documents and xml_index. I think that bug might be the reason for the blank resultset screens in morpho. made the postgres implementation much more robust.
updated postgres sql script so that it creates the same table structure as the oracle script. removed a bunch of \t tabs that were messing things up
removed because this is no longer used. it was causing a compile error when using postgres because it directly imports the oracle driver.
updated for new release
fixed bug with ampersands in the returned relations in the resultset.
added a manual timeout to counteract the hideously long ldap time out that is encountered when a referred ldap server is down.
fixed a couple bugs with doctypes that I found while setting up a demo
new README for 1.0.2
new build file with updated release number
updated the referral mechanism so that metacat doesn't crash when a referral server is not available
made it so we can now use multiple accessfilestypes and packagdfiletypes in the metacat.properties file. Also fixed a bug introduced when the 'http://' was removed from behind the server name in the loaddtd.sql script and the knb.xml file
Updated properties to reflect the new EML version.
Added new dtd to style-set config file.
More changes to build process. No longer need the instdtd targetbecause it is handled by the install target. Updated installationinstructions accordingly.
Updated documentation to reflect new installprocess.
Modified build.xml to properly copy the docs into the distribution, whichrequired some changes in the ant token filtering scheme.
updated documentation. removed a lot of typos and updated all of the new stuff for the new release
Updated the installation doc to reflect the new install procedure.
Updated build.xml to improve dtd handling so that DTDs can be included inthe distribution.
moving metacat docs to xmltodb
Improvements to the build process that make it easier to install the DTDsform EML. There are now three new targets in the build.xml file:
getdtd: uses cvs to get a working copy of a tagged release of eml instdtd: copies the DTDs from the build directory to the install directory...
Removed all of the redundant/obsolete copies of eml dtds from themetacat module. Now one must get the dtds from the mdstandards/emlmodule instead. This is doen to ensure that the DTDs installed are up todate.
Note that I am adding build support into the build.xml file for automatically...
Updated the SQL for loading DTD references to use the correct filenames and paths and identifiers.
updated for new eml release
Fixed the getUsers() and getPrincipals() methods so that they no longerfail when large result sets are requested. The problem was that theLDAP server was returning a "size limit exceeded" message when the resultsetfrom the query exceeded the default limit of 500 entries. Now we...
Re-enabled referrals which I had turned off for debugging purposes.
Modified AuthLdap to fix the may problems associated with group and userqueries. Now the getGroups() and getUsers() methods work as advertised,and there is a test of each of the methods in "main" for testing purposes.Simplified the class substantially. Fixed the getAttributes method as...
fixed error where person with 'all' permission could not update the access file.
fixed referral catching mechanism in authLdap.ldapAuthenticate() so that it will refer through a bunch of linked servers instead of just one....I still haven't figured out why the getGroups method wont work.
fixed the error where the ldap authenticate took 15 seconds to execute
I think i have fixed the ldap referral bug. the test lter account that david made for me works, however I would like matt or someone more knowedgeable with ldap to please check my code. the changes I made are around line 200 of AuthLdap. I put a comment in the source where the code needs to be checked.
Fix for bug #309 so that Metacat will now follow LDAP referrals. Previouslythe default was to ignore referrals. Now we explictly set the JNDIContext.REFERRAL value to the value in the metacat.propert "referral".The metacat.properties file has been modified to add the "referral" property,...
updated web.xml file for the download servlet
added new permission 'changepermission' and made 'all' inclusive for all permissions
README and build changes in preparation for the 1.0.0 release of Metacat.The files contributing to this release are being tagged in CVS as"METACAT_1_0_0".
Updated the knb.xml configuration to use the new public IDs associated witheml beta 4.
fixed access control bug. the character data in the sax parser was not getting trimmed and causing problems. also fixed hard coded eml-dataset public id in the web index file
Added new beta5 version of eml-software dtd, and added to catalog.
added new docid to returndoc for web form
changed package and access file doctype
took out hard coded paths for style dirs
removed the stylesheet sql script since we don't need it anymore
Added new DTD files for the new release of EML. Changed the namingconvention for all new DTDs, so the public IDs are now consistentlyversioned.
Updated metacat login semantics. Now, metacat assumes the username passedin is the 'full' distinguished name of the user. If that fails, theninstead it tries looking up the string and seeing if it can determinewhat the DN is, then uses it. The preferred method of logging in via...
New version of the IE5 stylesheet that is XSLT 1.0 compliant.
CHanged style-set handling for case when a stylesheet for a specificdoctype has not been registered. Now we are using a simple "ascii tree" view of the XML document. I'm hoping we can get a nicer generic displayset up over the long run, but for now this handles the basics.
Removed all DTDs from the metacat module in anticipation of gettingthem from the standard "mdstandards/eml" module. This will meanthat an update to the build script is necessary in order to copy and renamethe dtds from the eml module.
Updated build.xml and README for a Beta 3 release. This is a temporaryrelease until the full Release 1.0 is produced next week.
Fixed the function to return the max id for a given scope. Now the functiontakes a parameter named 'scope' and returns the largest docid that has beenused under that scope in this metacat instance (it used to return the mostrecently created docid, which is clearly different). For compatibility with...
fixed bug where the whole filename of a data file was not appended to the file input stream so metacat just returned a null document
Fixed problem with metacat handleReadAction where the OutputStream from theresponse object was closed and an attempt to reopen a PrintWriter was madeon the same response, which is illegal. Now the OutputStream is convertedto a PrintWriter in order to write the XML error message back to the client....
default css stylesheet so that metacat will look right
removed errant comment that was causing an error in the xml_documents table
fixed to get groupnames for a user using any identifying name
added insert statement for eml-attribute-2.0.dtd entry in xml_catalog
for action=servercontrol&subaction=addadded function for downloading of the certificate filefrom the specified URL of the source serverand uploading it onto this server