


1 1929 brooke
  *  '$RCSfile$'
  *    Copyright: 2000 Regents of the University of California and the
  *               National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
  *  For Details:
  *   '$Author$'
  *     '$Date$'
  * '$Revision$'
  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  * (at your option) any later version.
  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * GNU General Public License for more details.
  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
26 3915 walbridge
[% INCLUDE $templates.header %]
27 1929 brooke
28 2402 sgarg
<table class="intro" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0">
29 1929 brooke
30 3915 walbridge
<tr><td align="left"><span class="emphasis">Guide for Completing the Data [% config.type %] Form</td></tr>
<tr><td align="left"><span class="regtext">This guide provides information on how to fill in the online [% config.abbrev %] Data [% config.type %] Form.
32 2412 sgarg
There are 11 sections to the form; some fields are required (denoted by an asterisk *),
while others are optional. When you are done completing a section, you have the option of clicking on "<span class="colorbold">Hide</span>"
(on the right side of each section header) to hide the information you just entered. Information on individual fields and examples for their content are provided below.
37 1929 brooke
39 2402 sgarg
<table class="tables" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0">
40 1929 brooke
41 2863 tyburczy
<tr class="sectheader"><td class="borderbottom" colspan="2" align="left"><a name="Submitter"></a>
43 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">
44 2402 sgarg
*First name, *Last name:</span><span class="regtext">
The first and last names of the person completing this form.</span></td></tr>
47 2863 tyburczy
<tr class="sectheader"><td class="topbottom" colspan="2" align="left"><a name="BasicInformation"></a>
49 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">*Data Set Title:</span><span class="regtext"> A descriptive title
50 2402 sgarg
of the data set. The title should provide enough information for
someone casually scanning a list of data sets to know whether the data are
relevant to them.  This implies that the data context should be indicated
in the title without making the title be too long. In general, the title
should indicate what kind of data were collected and the spatial,
taxonomic, and temporal extents the data set covers.</span></td></tr>
57 2849 bowdish
<tr><td align="left"><span class="regtext"><u>Examples of descriptive titles:</u></td>
58 2402 sgarg
<td align="left"><span class="regtext"><u>Examples of incomplete titles:</u></td></tr>
60 2849 bowdish
<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><span class="regtext">Hastings Reserve (CA) Small Mammal Trapline Data from 1972 to 1988.
61 2412 sgarg
64 2402 sgarg
<br>Tassajara Hot Springs Reserve Water Chemistry Data from 1990 to 2000.</td>
66 2412 sgarg
<td align="left" valign="top"><span class="regtext">Mammals Data<br><br>Water Chemistry Data</td></tr>
67 2402 sgarg
68 1991 jones
[% IF cfg == 'nceas' %]
69 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">*NCEAS Project(s):</span><span class="regtext"> Select one or more
70 1991 jones
NCEAS activities from the list to indicate that the data set is
affiliated with that working group or activity.  We use "affiliation"
in a rather permissive sense to mean, for example, that the data set was or has
been generated by the activity; that the owner of the data is affiliated
74 2402 sgarg
with the activity; that the data set is owned by the activity; etc. Both
75 1991 jones
derived data sets that result from synthesis activities and original raw data
sets that contribute to synthesis can be included in the repository and should
77 2402 sgarg
be associated with the appropriate NCEAS activities.</td></tr>
[% END %]
[% IF cfg == 'esa' || cfg == 'ltss' %]
82 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">*Organization Name:</span>
83 2402 sgarg
<span class="regtext">The name of the organization with which the data set is
84 2412 sgarg
affiliated. We use "affiliation" in a rather permissive sense to mean, for example, that the data set was or has
85 2402 sgarg
been generated at the organization; that the owner of the data is affiliated
with the organization or was affiliated with the organization when the data
set was generated; that the data set is owned by the organization; etc.</td></tr>
89 2849 bowdish
<tr><td align="left"><span class="regtext"><u>Examples of correct organization names:</u></td>
90 2402 sgarg
   <td align="left"><span class="regtext"><u>Examples of incorrect organization names:</u></td></tr>
92 2849 bowdish
<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><span class="regtext">University of Michigan Biological Station
93 2402 sgarg
<br>Duke University FACE Facility<br>National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis</br></td>
  <td align="left"><span class="regtext">Michigan Station<br>Duke University<br>University of California Santa Barbara</br>
[% END %]
[% IF cfg == 'obfs' || cfg == 'nrs' || cfg == 'specnet'%]
100 3915 walbridge
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">*[% | ucfirst %] Name:</span>
<span class="regtext">Select a [% %] from the drop-down list to indicate that the data set is
affiliated with the [% %]. We use "affiliation" in a rather
103 1929 brooke
permissive sense to mean, for example, that the data set was or has
104 3915 walbridge
been generated at the [% %]; that the owner is affiliated
with the [% %] or was affiliated with the [% %] when the data
set was generated; or that the data set is owned by the [% %]; etc.
107 2402 sgarg
108 1929 brooke
109 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext"><u>Note:</u>
110 2402 sgarg
If the data were collected at a site other than a
111 3915 walbridge
[% %] listed in the drop-down menu, you can indicate so in the
112 1929 brooke
abstract and/or title. You can also indicate this in the keywords
113 2402 sgarg
with a locality keyword.</span></td></tr>
115 1991 jones
[% END %]
116 1929 brooke
120 2402 sgarg
<tr class="sectheader"><td class="topbottom" colspan="2" align="left"><a name="DataSetOriginator"></a>PRINCIPAL DATA SET OWNER</td></tr>
121 1929 brooke
122 1991 jones
123 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">The person responsible for developing the data set. For example, the principal
124 2402 sgarg
investigator in a collaborative project, the first author of the main publication using the data set, etc.
 The first and last names of the principal data set owner are required; the organization name, e-mail, phone, fax, and
address information are optional.</span></td></tr>
127 1991 jones
128 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext"><u>Note:</u><span class="regtext"> If there is more than one owner, information
129 2402 sgarg
about the co-owner(s) can be provided in the ASSOCIATED PARTIES section below.</span>
130 1929 brooke
131 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">*First Name:</span>
132 2402 sgarg
<span class="regtext">The first name of the principal data set owner.</span></td></tr>
133 1929 brooke
134 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">*Last Name:</span>
135 2402 sgarg
<span class="regtext">The last name (surname) of the principal data set owner.</span></td></tr>
136 1929 brooke
137 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">Organization Name:</span>
138 2402 sgarg
<span class="regtext">The name of the organization from which the data set
140 1929 brooke
141 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">E-Mail:</span>
142 2402 sgarg
<span class="regtext">The e-mail address by which the principal data set owner can be contacted.</span></td></tr>
143 1929 brooke
144 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">Phone:</span>
145 2402 sgarg
<span class="regtext">The phone number of the principal data set owner, including the area code (999-999-9999).</span></td></tr>
146 1929 brooke
147 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">FAX:</span>
148 2402 sgarg
<span class="regtext">The fax number of the principal data set owner, including sthe area code (999-999-9999).</span></td></tr>
149 1929 brooke
150 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">Street Information:</span>
151 2402 sgarg
<span class="regtext">A comma-separated list of street number, street, unit,
etc.<br> <u>Example:</u> 735 State Street, Suite 300</span></td></tr>
153 1929 brooke
154 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">City:</span>
155 2402 sgarg
<span class="regtext">The city
name of the principal data set owner's address.</span></td></tr>
157 1929 brooke
158 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">U.S. State or Territory:</span>
159 2510 sgarg
<span class="regtext">Select a U.S. state or territory from the drop-down menu for the principal data set owner's address. If the address is not in
the United States, used the "Other State/Province" field below. For a shortcut,
161 2402 sgarg
press the first letter of the state on your keyboard (e.g.,  M-key to skip to Maine).</span></td></tr>
162 2363 sgarg
163 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">Other State/Province:</span>
164 2510 sgarg
<span class="regtext">A non-U.S. state or a province for
165 2412 sgarg
the principal data set owner's address.</span></td></tr>
166 1929 brooke
167 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">Postal Code:</span>
168 2402 sgarg
<span class="regtext">The postal code or ZIP code
for the principal data set owner's address.</span></td></tr>
170 1929 brooke
171 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">Country:</span>
172 2402 sgarg
<span class="regtext">The country
for the principal data set owner's address.</span></td></tr>
174 1929 brooke
176 2402 sgarg
<tr class="sectheader"><td class="topbottom" colspan="2" align="left"><a name="AdditionalOriginators"></a>ASSOCIATED PARTIES</td></tr>
177 1929 brooke
178 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">
179 2402 sgarg
If applicable, enter the first and last names of an associated party (e.g., co-owner of the data set, a data custodian/steward, a metadata provider, a user of
180 2412 sgarg
the data set), select a role for this person, and click on "Add Associated Party".  Repeat to add another associated party.</td></tr>
181 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">To edit an entry, click on the name of the person entered, change the name and/or
182 2412 sgarg
the role, and click on the area just right of the drop-down menu for the role (the text fields and the drop-down menu will disappear). To delete an entry, click on the "X".
183 2402 sgarg
 If you have entered several associated parties and want to change the order in which they appear, use the blue up and down arrows.</tr>
184 1929 brooke
186 2402 sgarg
<tr class="sectheader"><td class="topbottom" colspan="2" align="left">
<a name="DataSetAbstract"></a>*DATA SET ABSTRACT</td></tr>
188 1929 brooke
189 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">Short (maximum of 350 words) summary of the
190 2402 sgarg
purpose and content of the data set. Entering a data set abstract is required.</td></tr>
191 1929 brooke
192 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext"><u>Example:</u> Data were collected every year in summer and fall from
193 1929 brooke
1967 to 1979. Trapping was conducted only in the fall from 1980 to
1988. For each specimen taken, data were recorded on species, date,
location, time, sex, and body measurements including total length,
length of tail, length of hind foot, length of ear, and body mass.
The purpose of the data was to index the population size of all
198 2402 sgarg
species present over a long time period.</td></tr>
199 1929 brooke
200 2402 sgarg
<tr class="sectheader"><td class="topbottom" colspan="2" align="left">
<a name="KeywordInformation"></a>KEYWORD INFORMATION</td></tr>
202 1929 brooke
203 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">Provide information for as many keywords as needed. The information is provided in groups of three
204 2438 sgarg
fields: keyword, keyword type, and keyword thesaurus. Repeat steps 1-4 below for each additional keyword.</td></tr>
205 1929 brooke
206 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">Have a look at the <a href=
207 2402 sgarg
"" target="nasa">NASA Global Change Master Directory
(GCMD)</a> (particularly under EARTH SCIENCE > Biosphere) and see if you can find keywords that appropriately describe your data set.  If not, use your own keywords.</span></td></tr>
209 1929 brooke
210 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">1. Keyword: </span><span class="regtext"> Enter a
211 2438 sgarg
word or phrase that describes your data set.</span></td></tr>
212 1929 brooke
213 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">2. Keyword Type: </span>
214 2438 sgarg
<span class="regtext">Select the keyword type (a term used to group similar keywords). The different types are ("none" is the default):
215 1929 brooke
216 2438 sgarg
      <li>Theme: the keyword identifies a particular subject or topic.</li>
      <li>Place: the keyword identifies a place.</li>
      <li>Stratum: the keyword identifies the layer(s) of any deposited substance.</li>
      <li>Temporal: the keyword identifies a time period related to the data set.
      <li>Taxonomic: the keyword identifies a particular taxon.</li>
223 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">3. Keyword Thesaurus: </span><span class="regtext">Select whether you used the NASA Global Change Master Directory
224 2438 sgarg
(GCMD) or not to choose your keywords.</span></td></tr>
225 1929 brooke
228 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext"><b>4.</b> Click on the <b>"Add Keyword"</b> button to add the keyword information provided.</span>
229 1929 brooke
231 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">To edit a keyword entry, click on the keyword entered, change the keyword, keyword type, and/or keyword
232 2438 sgarg
thesaurus, and click on the area just right of the thesaurus drop-down menu (the text field and the drop-down menus will disappear).  To delete an entry, click on the "X".
If you have entered several keywords and want to change the order in which they appear, use the blue up and down arrows.</span></td></tr>
234 1929 brooke
236 2402 sgarg
<tr class="sectheader"><td class="topbottom" colspan="2" align="left">
<a name="TemporalCoverageOfData"></a>TEMPORAL COVERAGE OF DATA</td></tr>
238 1929 brooke
239 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">*Start Date:</span><span class="regtext"> The first year, month, and
240 2402 sgarg
day of the collection/creation of the data set. A start date is required. Type in the year (yyyy), and choose the month and the day from the
drop-down menus.</span></td></tr>
242 1929 brooke
243 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">Stop Date:</span><span class="regtext"> The last year, month, and
244 2402 sgarg
day for the collection/creation of the data set. Type in the year, and choose the month and the day from the drop-down menus.<br>
<u>Note:</u> Leave "Stop Date" blank if your data set is open-ended.</span></td></tr>
246 1929 brooke
247 2402 sgarg
<tr class="sectheader"><td class="topbottom" colspan="2" align="left">
<a name="SpatialCoverageOfData"></a>SPATIAL COVERAGE OF DATA</span></td></tr>
249 1991 jones
250 1929 brooke
251 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">*Geographic Description:</span><span class="regtext">
252 2402 sgarg
Enter a general description of the geographic area in which the data were collected. This can be a simple place name (e.g., Santa Barbara) or a fuller description.
This field supplements the coordinates provided below and helps orient the data user about the general location of the study.</span></td></tr>
254 1929 brooke
255 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">*Coordinates:</span><span class="regtext"></span><span class="regtext"> The latitude and longitude
256 2402 sgarg
coordinates (in degrees, minutes and seconds) of the location where the data were collected. At least one lat/long pair is required. From the drop-down menus, select
the North (N) or South (S) orientation for the latitudes, and the West (W) or East (E) orientation for the longitudes.</span></td></tr>
258 1929 brooke
259 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">If you enter <b>one coordinate pair only</b>: This indicates a
260 2402 sgarg
point location.</span></td></tr>
261 1929 brooke
262 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">If you enter <b>both coordinate pairs</b>: This indicates a
263 1929 brooke
bounding box. The first coordinate pair is the northwest corner and
the second coordinate pair is the southeast corner of the bounding
265 2402 sgarg
266 1929 brooke
267 2402 sgarg
<tr class="sectheader"><td class="topbottom" colspan="2" align="left">
268 1991 jones
<a name="TaxonomicCoverage"></a>
269 2402 sgarg
270 1929 brooke
271 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">
272 1991 jones
Provide a list of the taxa that are associated with this data set.
This includes taxa for which the data set contains measurements, and taxa
for which the data have relevance in less direct ways.  In general, if a
275 2402 sgarg
data user searching for a particular taxonomic name should find this data set,
then the taxon should be included in this list.</span></td></tr>
277 1991 jones
278 10195 mecum
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">Please check the <a href="" target="itis">Integrated Taxonomic Information System</a> for correct spelling of taxonomic names.</span></td></tr>
279 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">For each taxon, follow the three steps below:</span></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">1. Taxonomic Rank:</span><span class="regtext"> Enter the level in the taxonomic hierarchy
281 2402 sgarg
(Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, or Species).</span></td></tr>
282 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">2. Taxonomic Name:</span><span class="regtext"> Enter the scientific name for the level
283 2405 sgarg
entered under Taxonomic Rank (e.g., <i>Animalia</i>, <i>Chordata</i>, <i>Mammalia</i>, <i>Carnivoria</i>, <i>Ursidae</i>, <i>Ursus</i>, or <i>Ursus arctos</i>).</span></td></tr>
284 1991 jones
285 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext"><b>3.</b> Click on the <b>"Add Taxon"</b> button to add the taxonomic information.</span></td></tr>
286 2438 sgarg
287 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">To edit an entry, click on the taxonomic information entered, change the taxonomic rank and/or name, and click on the area just right of the text field for the name (the two text
288 2405 sgarg
fields will disappear).  To delete an entry, click on the "X". If you have entered several taxa and want to change the order in which they appear, use the blue up and
289 2402 sgarg
down arrows.</span></td></tr>
290 1991 jones
291 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">Taxonomic Reference:</span><span class="regtext"> The name
292 2402 sgarg
or complete citation of the source(s) used for identifying and naming taxa (e.g., name of a field guide, key, or nomenclature revision). </span></td></tr>
293 1991 jones
294 2402 sgarg
<tr class="sectheader"><td class="topbottom" colspan="2" align="left">
<a name="Methods"></a>DATA COLLECTION METHODS</td></tr>
298 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">Method Title:</span><span class="regtext"> A title for the method used to generate
299 2402 sgarg
the data (e.g., Measure of zooplankton abundance using radial quadrat sub-sampling).</span></td></tr>
301 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">Method Description:</span><span class="regtext"> Description of the method used.
302 2402 sgarg
This is intended to be a general method description that is suitable to help potential users of the data decide if the data are appropriate for their purposes.
You can add multiple paragraphs to the description by clicking on the "Add Paragraph to Method Description"
button (paragraphs added by using the ENTER key in the Method Description field will not appear as paragraphs in the submitted form).
307 2849 bowdish
<!--<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">Click on the "Describe Another Method" button
308 2412 sgarg
to describe another method.</span></td></tr>-->
309 2402 sgarg
310 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">Extent of Study Description:</span><span class="regtext">
311 2402 sgarg
 Describe the temporal, spatial and taxonomic extent of the study, supplementing
312 1991 jones
the information on coverage provided above. For example, if the temporal
coverage of the data is 1990-2000, you might provide details about any years
that were missed or the months in which sampling actually occurred. If you
315 2402 sgarg
provide information in this field (Extent of Study Description), then you must also provide
316 2412 sgarg
a Method Title, a Method Description and a Sampling Description.</span></td></tr>
317 1991 jones
318 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">Sampling Description:</span><span class="regtext">
319 1991 jones
Describe the sampling design of the study. For example, you might describe
the way in which treatments were assigned to sampling units.  If you provide
information in this field (Sampling Description), then you must also provide
322 2402 sgarg
a a Method Title, a Method Description and an Extent of Study Description.
324 1991 jones
325 2402 sgarg
<tr class="sectheader"><td class="topbottom" colspan="2" align="left">
326 2405 sgarg
<a name="DataSetContactAddress"></a>
327 2402 sgarg
328 1929 brooke
329 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="regtext">Contact information of the person to be contacted for more information on the data
330 2402 sgarg
set or to obtain the data set itself. This is analogous to the Principal Data Set Owner information above. Please
331 3915 walbridge
<a href="[% cgiPrefix %]/register-dataset.cgi?cfg=[%cfg%]&amp;stage=guide#DataSetOriginator" target="_self">see that section</a> for more information on filling out the
332 2412 sgarg
individual fields. If the Data Set Contact and the Principal Data Set Owner are the same, check the box provided.</span></td></tr>
333 1929 brooke
335 2402 sgarg
<tr class="sectheader"><td class="topbottom" colspan="2" align="left">
336 1929 brooke
<a name="DistributionIinformation"></a>
337 2402 sgarg
338 1929 brooke
339 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">
340 1929 brooke
<a name=Site-specificCode></a>
341 2402 sgarg
Data Set Identifier:</span><span class="regtext"> If available, please enter a name or number that uniquely identifies and describes concisely the data set.
Alternatively, provide other pertinent information that can identify and locate the data set within your site's data management system.
343 1929 brooke
344 2402 sgarg
[% IF cfg == 'obfs' || cfg == 'nrs' || cfg == 'specnet'%]
Keep in mind that this information, although not required, can be extremely useful
346 3915 walbridge
for locating the data set at a [% %].
347 2402 sgarg
349 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">*Data Medium</font>:</span><span class="regtext"> Specify whether the data medium is
350 2402 sgarg
digital (e.g., computer file) or hardcopy (e.g., paper), or specify any other type of data medium the data are recorded on (e.g., video tape).</span></td></tr>
351 1929 brooke
353 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">*Usage Rights:</span><span class="regtext"> Specify the usage rights that apply
354 2432 sgarg
to the data set (e.g., no restrictions, obtain permission from data set owner(s), cite the data set in publications, etc.). </span></td></tr>
355 1929 brooke
356 2849 bowdish
<tr><td colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">URL:</span><span class="regtext"> If available, provide a link for the
357 2412 sgarg
location of more metadata or the data set itself (this URL should be as permanent as possible).</span></td></tr>
358 1929 brooke
<a name="AdditionalInformation"></a>
360 2849 bowdish
<tr><td class="borderbottom" colspan="2" align="left"><span class="label">Additional Information:</span><span class="regtext"> Add
361 2402 sgarg
any additional information here that you deem relevant to the data set, which has not been covered in the form.  For example, if the data set is in the form
362 2412 sgarg
of a computer file, you could specify the file format here (e.g., Excel, Access, FoxPro, DBase, etc.).</span></td></tr>
363 2402 sgarg
365 1929 brooke
366 3915 walbridge
[% INCLUDE $templates.footer %]