For ticket the lastindexof and substring methods to find the deployment directory.
Change back to use URLDecoder to decode the code.
Add the code to submit index task in every methods which modified the system metadata.
Refactory the submit index methods.
Add the methods submitting the update and delete tasks.
Use the new manager class to get the messaging client.
Use a singleton class to get the messaging client.
Removed the code to initialize the index task client at the constructor.
Add the client code to submit the index task to the message broker. Now I only added the code for the create method.
Change isAuthorized() to prioritize user authz
Re-order the calls to userHasPermission(), isAdminAuthorized(), and isAuthoritativeMNodeAdmin() such that the user authorization comes first. This should drastically reduce the calls to CN.listNodes() and the resulting NodeList unmarsalling involved in comparing CN and MN Node Subjects to token or certificate Subjects. ...
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