


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  eml2 1840 about 21 years Jing Tao Get rid of etral http:// in parties'url
ascii-treeview.xsl 5.91 KB 850 about 23 years Matt Jones CHanged style-set handling for case when a styl...
browse.xsl 9.18 KB 1836 about 21 years Matt Jones Added a browse stylesheet that indexes data set...
default.css 4.18 KB 1025 over 22 years Jing Tao Add some new format.
download.xsl 1.9 KB 702 almost 24 years berkley stylesheet for download files
eml-attribute-display.xsl 4.29 KB 919 almost 23 years Matt Jones Added new stylesheets for displaying the eml-at...
eml-dataset-display.xsl 10.8 KB 922 almost 23 years Matt Jones Added qformat parameter for switching css style...
eml-entity-display.xsl 6.14 KB 919 almost 23 years Matt Jones Added new stylesheets for displaying the eml-at...
eml-file-display.xsl 7.71 KB 827 over 23 years Matt Jones Modified metacat stylesheets to now use a "styl...
eml-variable-display.xsl 5.24 KB 827 over 23 years Matt Jones Modified metacat stylesheets to now use a "styl...
generic-morpho.xsl 539 Bytes 937 almost 23 years Jing Tao Adding the style sheet of html file in zip data...
generic.xsl 672 Bytes 850 about 23 years Matt Jones CHanged style-set handling for case when a styl...
ie5-default-ss.xsl 12.5 KB 851 about 23 years Matt Jones New version of the IE5 stylesheet that is XSLT ...
include_header.xsl 4.06 KB 1842 about 21 years brooke new include files for metacat web pages - heade...
include_searchbox.xsl 10.1 KB 1842 about 21 years brooke new include files for metacat web pages - heade...
keywords-list.xsl 6.6 KB 1836 about 21 years Matt Jones Added a browse stylesheet that indexes data set...
knb.css 5.52 KB 1708 over 21 years Jing Tao Add new format for attribute.
login.xsl 3.8 KB 921 almost 23 years Matt Jones Fixed bug in login.xsl that was preventing a su...
resource.xsl 11.8 KB 827 over 23 years Matt Jones Modified metacat stylesheets to now use a "styl...
resultset.xsl 9.6 KB 1711 over 21 years Jing Tao Revise some codes.
rowcol.css 632 Bytes 1024 over 22 years brooke changed .highlight style so font-size attribute...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
1842 11/03/2003 10:29 AM brooke

new include files for metacat web pages - header and search box. Still need to remove hard-coded context uris

1840 10/28/2003 03:31 PM Jing Tao

Get rid of etral http:// in parties'url

1836 10/15/2003 05:13 PM Matt Jones

Added a browse stylesheet that indexes data sets by keyword, creator, and
organization, all on one page. Use style=browse to access.

Some minor formatting improvements to keyword index, and change style
setting to style=keywords to access.

1835 10/15/2003 09:30 AM Matt Jones

Added a new stylesheet and style-set that allows one to display all of the
keywords from a query on metacat in a sorted, unique list. Each keyword
is a link to a metacat query that returns all of the data packages that
reference that keyword. Use style=browse to invoke this stylesheet on a...

1735 07/17/2003 05:48 PM Jing Tao

Fixed some bugs in these style sheets.

1732 07/16/2003 05:53 PM Jing Tao

Fixed some bugs in these style sheets.

1731 07/15/2003 05:14 PM Jing Tao

Make the tree sturcture display working.

1726 07/03/2003 05:17 PM Jing Tao

Revised style sheet base on matthew's suggestion.

1715 07/01/2003 06:32 PM Jing Tao

Made some minal changes.

1714 07/01/2003 05:39 PM Jing Tao

Add a hyper link to web addess.

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