


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  Metacat 1955 over 21 years Matt Jones Updates that allow registry script to update th...
register-dataset.cgi 104 KB 2015 about 21 years sgarg Did editing to support changes mentioned in bug...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2015 02/05/2004 04:36 PM sgarg

Did editing to support changes mentioned in bug 1295

2005 01/12/2004 06:37 PM Matt Jones

Fixed hardcoded admin account so that it works with more than just OBFS

2003 01/12/2004 05:44 PM Matt Jones

Fixed registry bug involving a string comparison (used numeric
equality instead of string equality).

2000 01/08/2004 06:57 PM Matt Jones

Removed unneeded Net::LDAP dependency. Now all authentication occurs
indirectly through Metacat.

1999 01/08/2004 06:48 PM Matt Jones

Added skin for the UCNRS data registry based on earlier work. Minor
modifications to the templates to accomodate this. Fixed a validation
bug in the register-dataset.cgi, and removed an unnecessary Net::LDAP
login as well because the authentication is handled by metacat.

1997 01/08/2004 08:31 AM Matt Jones

Fixed validation check for samplingDescription.

1993 01/07/2004 03:13 PM Matt Jones

Changes to re-enable the nceas admindb access for the production install.

1992 01/07/2004 11:07 AM Matt Jones

Removed some debugging test code that isn't needed.

1989 01/06/2004 06:41 PM Matt Jones

Added studyExtent and samplingDescription fields to the registry to accomodate
Sandy's request for a temporalDescription field. This is a little more than
she wanted, but it was needed to satisfy EML minimum requirements.

1985 12/29/2003 01:57 PM Matt Jones

Added taxonomic coverage and authority fields, and fixed a bug in reentry
with the methods fields. Now we are collecting information on all of the
additional fields Sandy requested except for a general temporal description,
which doesn't fit neatly in EML. Will need to consider how to accomodate...

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