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Revision 2421

Added by sgarg almost 20 years ago

Changes for entering new records into xml_queryresult:

1. Added a function which checks if there is a record exsists in xml_returnfield table for a given combination of return fields. If a record is found, the id for the record is returned. otherwise a new record is created in the xml_returnfield table and the id of the new record is returned.

2. Added another function which check if for a given set of docid and returnfields, record already exist in xml_queryresult table. if records do exsist, they are returned as part of a hashtable

3. Modified the code for function handleSubsetResult:
-> get the id of the record from the xml_returnfield table for given set of return fields.
-> get the hashtable containing the docids that already in the xml_queryresult table
-> remove the keys in the above generated hashtable from the old hashtable
-> process the remaining keys in the old hashtable in the old fashion
-> add these entries to the xml_queryresult table
-> generate the result from the two hashtables

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