



From 02/16/2005 to 03/17/2005


06:52 PM Revision 2423 (metacat): Modify the update for xml_relation.
Jing Tao
05:58 PM Revision 2422 (metacat): Made changes in the sql scripts to create new tables xml_returnfield and xml_queryresult
05:26 PM Revision 2421 (metacat): Changes for entering new records into xml_queryresult:
1. Added a function which checks if there is a record exsists in xml_returnfield table for a given combination of ret... sgarg
04:48 PM Revision 2420 (metacat): Added code for updating xml_queryresult for action=delete and action=update
For both actions, the entries in xml_queryresult are deleted.
This works for action=update because deletion of entry ...
04:42 PM Revision 2419 (metacat): Added a function which gives back a string which is generated by sorting the returnfields requested for given query specifications
04:39 PM Revision 2418 (metacat): Fixed a bug in last commit
04:37 PM Revision 2417 (metacat): Added new parameters to control the size of resultset for browsers and application like morpho. Also a parameter to specify the length of xml_queryresult.queryresult_string


03:48 PM Revision 2416 (metacat): Changes made in the css for the skins.
03:41 PM Revision 2415 (metacat): Fixed some bugs from previous commits. Veronique changes the text of error messages. Added a new stage to distinguish errors because of logins.
03:37 PM Revision 2414 (metacat): Added new actions so that error message is not shown the first time resetPassword and changePasswords are called. Also fixed a bug where $cfg was not being passed to genericHeader.tmpl
03:12 PM Revision 2413 (metacat): Registry templates redesigned by Veronique Connolly and Saurabh Garg
03:06 PM Revision 2412 (metacat): Changes to the Data Registry Guide made by Veronique Connolly
03:02 PM Revision 2411 (metacat): Fixed formatting of the html page generated by using tables in all ldap files.
(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique) sgarg
02:49 PM Revision 2410 (metacat): Changes made by Veronique and Saurabh in the css for the skins.
02:46 PM Revision 2409 (metacat): Made changes in the contact information for the skins.
02:43 PM Revision 2408 (metacat): Modified the text in the index files.
(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique) sgarg
02:42 PM Revision 2407 (metacat): Modified the text in the header files.
(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique) sgarg


11:47 AM Revision 2406 (metacat): Modified the offset which is used for creating the resultset. This helps in fixing the 'more than 1000 enteries in IN query' bug on Oracle.


03:14 PM Revision 2405 (metacat): Changes made to Data Registry Guide by Veronique Connolly
(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique) sgarg
03:13 PM Revision 2404 (metacat): Changes made to Data Registry Form by Veronique Connolly and Saurabh Garg
02:30 PM Revision 2403 (metacat): Changed the code which handles Associated Party, Keywords and Taxonomic Information.
02:17 PM Revision 2402 (metacat): Changes made to Data Registry Guide by Veronique Connolly
(Commit done by Saurabh Garg for Veronique) sgarg


02:15 PM Revision 2401 (metacat): Modify harvestListEditorDist target to create the Harvest List Editor distribution using naming conventions that are consistent with other KNB releases.
Duane Costa
10:16 AM Revision 2400 (metacat): Change documentType to eml://
Duane Costa


11:51 AM Revision 2399 (metacat): Added a check for eml2.0.1 documents in


04:33 PM Revision 2398 (metacat): Add new query to fix existed xml_relation table datapackage type bug.
Jing Tao
03:05 PM Bug #1979: The packagetype in xml_relation table is eml200 namespace for eml 201 document
Im Eml200SAXHandler class, use variable doctype rather than the hard code for
namespace when insert a record into xml...
Jing Tao
03:02 PM Revision 2397 (metacat): Using a variable to replace the hard code for namesapce in inserting record to xml_relation table.
Jing Tao
01:50 PM Revision 2396 (metacat): Fixed a bug in the format of query result.
01:40 PM Bug #1986: system_id of xml_catalog table points to for a new metacat installation
In register-schemas target, file loaddtdschemasql will be called. In
loaddtdschema.sql, there are tokens for server n...
Jing Tao
01:30 PM Revision 2395 (metacat): upgrade-db-1.5.sql will be written back from src to distribution src.
Jing Tao
12:04 PM Revision 2394 (metacat): Added sql command to delete also schema entries also. Earlier the script only deleted old dtd entries
11:16 AM Revision 2393 (metacat): Add a new target to fix the bug in xml_catalog table.
Jing Tao
11:12 AM Revision 2392 (metacat): SQL command to update system_id to points to localhost.
Jing Tao


05:57 PM Revision 2391 (metacat): Fixed a bug which systemid will always points to knb.
Jing Tao
03:22 PM Bug #2000 (Resolved): Percentage search does't work in KNB metacat
KNB metacat uses oracle db to store documents. There are some limit in this
oracle : if search result documents is g...
Jing Tao


03:22 PM Bug #1787: Need to clean out metaact of test and bunk data packages

Maybe the metacat admin should have the ability to delete any datapackage that
he/she wants.
Saurabh Garg


11:01 AM Revision 2390 (metacat): Changes made in entry form based on recommendations from Laura Downey
(Commit done for Veronique Connolly by Saurabh Garg) sgarg


10:53 AM Bug #1986 (Resolved): system_id of xml_catalog table points to for a new metacat installation
After new installation of metacat, administrator should registor known dtd or
schema files in xml_catalog. In xml_ca...
Jing Tao


05:52 PM Bug #1984: add support for LSID identifiers
This probably also means that we need to be able to generate candidate LSIDs for
clients to use for insertion, check ...
Matt Jones
05:50 PM Bug #1984 (Resolved): add support for LSID identifiers
Metacat currently supports identifiers of the form '' with a
'system' attribute inthe metadata. W...
Matt Jones
05:37 PM Bug #1982 (Resolved): add function to submit data with registry entities
A common request is to be able to submit data to the metacat along with a
registry entry as it is submitted. We've ...
Matt Jones

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