


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  default 2774 over 19 years Duane Costa Add a client-side check: if user does not enter...
  dev 2687 over 19 years Matt Jones Added lter to list of orgs.
  esa 2832 over 19 years sgarg Modified the header to work with the new change...
  knb 2755 over 19 years sgarg Replaced with @mailhost@
  knb2 2350 about 20 years sgarg I (Andrea) defined new styles in the .css files...
  knp 2493 almost 20 years Matt Jones Skin for Kruger National Park. Includes some i...
  lter 2660 over 19 years Duane Costa Modifications to LTER skin.
  ltss 2539 over 19 years sgarg Added px to the css files. Modified the index....
  nceas 2814 over 19 years bowdish changed paragrah style to "intro" for text not ...
  nrs 2755 over 19 years sgarg Replaced with @mailhost@
  obfs 2755 over 19 years sgarg Replaced with @mailhost@
  specnet 2539 over 19 years sgarg Added px to the css files. Modified the index....
README.txt 1.09 KB 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2832 12/12/2005 10:38 AM sgarg

Modified the header to work with the new changes from Callie

2831 12/12/2005 10:36 AM sgarg

text change in message displayed for moderator

2830 12/12/2005 10:35 AM sgarg

Added message to be displayed after login

2829 12/12/2005 09:50 AM tyburczy

removed poorly formatted search options label

2828 12/12/2005 09:15 AM tyburczy

fixed erroneous duplication of search choices

2827 12/09/2005 10:51 AM bowdish

ESA img files for the ESA Header this incorporate the test changes and the additional submission button. The ESA Home button has been removed from the header but the ESA log will link to the ESA Home site.

There is some additional button code depending on the state of the login or the use...

2826 12/09/2005 10:48 AM bowdish

ESA img files for the ESA Header this incorporate the test changes and the additional submission button. The ESA Home button has been removed from the header but the ESA log will link to the ESA Home site.

2825 12/09/2005 10:45 AM bowdish

These swap image *.gif files are for the ESA Header changes that include the submission buttons as well as text changes to the buttons. We decided to remove the ESA Home button but the ESA logo still links to the ESA home site.

2815 12/02/2005 02:13 PM tyburczy

Changed search option checkboxes to radio buttons. Restored ant headers. Removed dialog box warnings when changing search options.

2814 12/02/2005 02:10 PM bowdish

changed paragrah style to "intro" for text not in the boxes

View revisions

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