


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  ESAHeaderSlices 2835 about 19 years sgarg Removing old graphics files
ESAHeader.htm 6.88 KB 2797 over 19 years tyburczy added 70px left margin to body elements. speci...
ESAHeader.png 412 KB 2691 over 19 years bowdish this file is used in Fireworks to make the head...
ESAHeaderDocs.png 427 KB 2789 over 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
HeaderViewDocs.htm 6.96 KB 2789 over 19 years bowdish updated to work with the moderator
esa-login.xsl 5.21 KB 2830 about 19 years sgarg Added message to be displayed after login
esa-logo.gif 8.29 KB 2258 over 20 years Matt Jones Modifications to the registry to support the ne...
esa-resultset.xsl 13.8 KB 2852 about 19 years sgarg added function to read document from the cgi sc...
esa.cfg 1.29 KB 2803 over 19 years sgarg new variables specifying the esa specific templ...
esa.css 6.62 KB 2843 about 19 years Matt Jones New styles for citatin, plus add grey horiz rul...
esa.js 8.02 KB 2258 over 20 years Matt Jones Modifications to the registry to support the ne...
esa.xml 4.34 KB 2659 over 19 years sgarg Renamed login.xsl to esa-login.xsl
header.html 13.9 KB 2832 about 19 years sgarg Modified the header to work with the new change...
headerLogout.htm 5.67 KB 2797 over 19 years tyburczy added 70px left margin to body elements. speci...
index.html 12.5 KB 2851 about 19 years sgarg added packageid to the paths which are searched
moderator.html 5.18 KB 2655 over 19 years sgarg Changes in login.xsl and moderator.html so that...
searchform.html 1.61 KB 2686 over 19 years sgarg New changes in the esa skin so that includes th...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2852 12/15/2005 10:37 AM sgarg

added function to read document from the cgi script and modified the code so that when user is logged in, the document is read from the cgi

2851 12/15/2005 10:35 AM sgarg

added packageid to the paths which are searched

2843 12/13/2005 11:45 AM Matt Jones

New styles for citatin, plus add grey horiz rules in sections.

2842 12/12/2005 06:07 PM Matt Jones

Fixed html typo.

2841 12/12/2005 06:05 PM Matt Jones

Wording changes to lead-in and final para of the esa skin.

2835 12/12/2005 11:29 AM sgarg

Removing old graphics files

2834 12/12/2005 11:01 AM sgarg

Removing old graphics files

2832 12/12/2005 10:38 AM sgarg

Modified the header to work with the new changes from Callie

2831 12/12/2005 10:36 AM sgarg

text change in message displayed for moderator

2830 12/12/2005 10:35 AM sgarg

Added message to be displayed after login

View revisions

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