


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  templates 2860 about 19 years sgarg Modified loginForm.tmpl so that specified messa...
ascii-treeview.xsl 5.91 KB 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...
branding.js 6.38 KB 2743 over 19 years Duane Costa Bug #2207. Add new JavaScript function to suppo...
browse.xsl 8.71 KB 2226 over 20 years sgarg Added eml2.0.1 in /common stylesheets
download.xsl 1.9 KB 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...
generic-morpho.xsl 539 Bytes 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...
generic.xsl 672 Bytes 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...
keywords-list.xsl 6.03 KB 2226 over 20 years sgarg Added eml2.0.1 in /common stylesheets
resultset.xsl 9.77 KB 2502 almost 20 years sgarg Replacing '' with '_' so that there is no ambig...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2860 12/16/2005 08:56 AM sgarg

Modified loginForm.tmpl so that specified message is displayed before the login form

2856 12/15/2005 04:43 PM sgarg

hard coded unaffiliated as the organization for creating ldap account

2855 12/15/2005 04:42 PM sgarg

Added the variable for contactEmailAddressRequired so tht it is passed back to the form

2850 12/15/2005 10:29 AM sgarg

fixed a bug in the taxon part of the form

2849 12/15/2005 10:19 AM bowdish

Replaced <tr class="sectbody"> with <tr> this removes the bacground color that is
a problem with non-bolded text.
Only the rows have the <tr class="sectheader"> will have background color

2848 12/15/2005 10:18 AM sgarg

if the user is logged in then the user login is not requested....

2838 12/12/2005 11:49 AM sgarg

modified the query to not include documents for which revision has been requested

2833 12/12/2005 10:40 AM sgarg

added message to be displayed when a non logged in user clicks on My Submissions

2804 12/01/2005 10:32 AM sgarg

New template for displaying results from the accept, reject and revise actions

2786 11/29/2005 02:46 PM sgarg

Fixed a bug in the way taxon rank and taxon value were assigned.

View revisions

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