


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  images 882 about 23 years Matt Jones Updated documentation to reflect new installpro...
KNB-LDAP-system-small.gif 11.7 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
acontrol.gif 7.3 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
acontrol.html 5.08 KB 2310 over 20 years Matt Jones Added new sections to the Metacat documentation...
auth.gif 2.17 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
clientapi.html 4.99 KB 2463 almost 20 years sgarg Changes in the documentation for the new release
datafiles.html 2.96 KB 985 almost 23 years berkley fixed some things for release 1.1
dataload.gif 1.55 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
default.css 3.96 KB 882 about 23 years Matt Jones Updated documentation to reflect new installpro...
domapi.gif 10.2 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
domapi.html 3.29 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
entries-groups.ldif 479 Bytes 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
entries-init.ldif 466 Bytes 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
entries-refs.ldif 281 Bytes 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
entries-users.ldif 1.67 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
harvestListEditor.html 11 KB 2187 over 20 years Duane Costa Improve handling of default values. Call fileNe...
harvester.html 27.7 KB 2427 almost 20 years Duane Costa Changed default maxHarvests value to 0. Added l...
index.html 3.2 KB 881 about 23 years berkley updated documentation. removed a lot of typos ...
ldap.html 3.74 KB 881 about 23 years berkley updated documentation. removed a lot of typos ...
lsid_authority.html 3.3 KB 2905 about 19 years harris Updated the lsid support docs and added john,wi...
metacat.gif 25 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
metacat.html 6.17 KB 2509 almost 20 years Duane Costa Minor documentation fix. buildindex action shou...
metacatapi.html 9.7 KB 985 almost 23 years berkley fixed some things for release 1.1
metacatdb.gif 26.2 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
metacatdb.html 2.87 KB 881 about 23 years berkley updated documentation. removed a lot of typos ...
metacatdom.gif 11.1 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
metacatdom.html 2.45 KB 2310 over 20 years Matt Jones Added new sections to the Metacat documentation...
metacatdom.jpg 68.2 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
metacatgetlog.html 4.77 KB 2310 over 20 years Matt Jones Added new sections to the Metacat documentation...
metacatinstall.html 26.2 KB 2905 about 19 years harris Updated the lsid support docs and added john,wi...
metacatload.html 5.46 KB 2310 over 20 years Matt Jones Added new sections to the Metacat documentation...
metacatout.html 1.79 KB 881 about 23 years berkley updated documentation. removed a lot of typos ...
metacatquery.html 10 KB 2476 almost 20 years Duane Costa Fix documentation bug. The documentation said t...
metacatread.html 3.75 KB 2310 over 20 years Matt Jones Added new sections to the Metacat documentation...
metacattour.html 3.09 KB 2905 about 19 years harris Updated the lsid support docs and added john,wi...
metadataquery.gif 3.82 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
metadataread.gif 5.81 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
metadatawrite.gif 4.05 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
packages.html 9.59 KB 881 about 23 years berkley updated documentation. removed a lot of typos ...
pathquery.gif 11.4 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
properties.html 11 KB 2463 almost 20 years sgarg Changes in the documentation for the new release
replication.html 8.93 KB 1302 over 22 years Jing Tao Change the documentation according our new feat...
resultset.gif 4.57 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
resultsetExt.gif 7.71 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
saxparser.html 2.92 KB 2310 over 20 years Matt Jones Added new sections to the Metacat documentation...
unimplem.html 1.07 KB 2131 almost 21 years Duane Costa Add Harvester documentation to the Metacat Tour
xmldoc.gif 18.3 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
xmldoc.html 1.28 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
xmlindex.html 17.4 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
xmltransform.gif 7.9 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
xmltree.gif 14.5 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb
xmltree.html 1.08 KB 878 about 23 years berkley moving metacat docs to xmltodb

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2905 01/30/2006 11:13 AM harris

Updated the lsid support docs and added john,will, and callie to
contributors section of the Readme.

2903 01/25/2006 04:41 PM harris

Documentation on the LSID authority features.

2509 06/08/2005 11:13 AM Duane Costa

Minor documentation fix. buildindex action should be all lowercase.

2501 04/20/2005 10:22 AM Duane Costa

Minor edits to installation instructions for Metcat 1.5.0.

2476 04/08/2005 09:27 AM Duane Costa

Fix documentation bug. The documentation said that the operator name was INTERSECTION, but the actual name is INTERSECT.

2463 04/06/2005 02:38 PM sgarg

Changes in the documentation for the new release

2455 04/05/2005 04:46 PM Matt Jones

Updated install instructions with IPv6 instructions for postgres.

2427 03/22/2005 09:55 AM Duane Costa

Changed default maxHarvests value to 0. Added logic to ignore maxHarvests value when it is set to 0 or a negative number. This allows Harvester to run indefinitely without shutting down after reaching a maximum number of harvests. The previous default value of 30 would cause Harvester to terminate after 30 harvests.

2387 01/26/2005 10:03 AM Duane Costa

Modify Harvester documentation to provide instructions for configuring and running Harvester as a servlet.

2330 11/09/2004 03:34 PM Duane Costa

Minor enhancement to support multiple email addresses for harvester administrator and site contact. Each address is separated by a comma or semicolon.

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