


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  common 2932 about 19 years anderson thi is the effect library.
  images 2866 about 19 years sgarg added spinner.gif - used by templates/getReview...
  skins 2929 about 19 years anderson adjusting the right side frame for an animated ...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2932 02/27/2006 03:53 PM anderson

thi is the effect library.

2931 02/27/2006 03:52 PM anderson

added id and name attribs to the generated <iframes>

2930 02/27/2006 03:51 PM anderson

NOT USED ANYMORE, but this is the latest version.

2929 02/27/2006 02:05 PM anderson

adjusting the right side frame for an animated map drawer.

2928 02/27/2006 09:44 AM harris

Pmark's modified code.

2927 02/27/2006 09:11 AM harris

Initial checkin of the knp skin.

2924 02/24/2006 11:35 PM Matt Jones

Initial support for displaying FGDC metadata documents in metacat.
Added new returndoctype and returnfields to all query forms in the knp
skin to allow FGDC documents to display in the resultsets. Need to add
these to the other skins as well, and to clean up the FGDC stylesheet to...

2923 02/24/2006 06:16 PM Matt Jones

Register the NBII stylesheet for use with FGDC/NBII docs.

2921 02/24/2006 06:13 PM Matt Jones

Experimental stylesheet for rendering NBII/FGDC documents in metacat.
This is a modified version of a stylesheet created by the NPS.

2914 02/22/2006 11:55 AM anderson

adding metacat spatial query results styles

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