


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  nceas 2948 about 19 years sgarg iModified code -- the booleans werent really ge...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
2948 03/03/2006 11:47 AM sgarg

iModified code -- the booleans werent really getting tested :(

2946 03/03/2006 11:36 AM sgarg

iModified the switch to turn/off the spatial searching.:wq

2945 03/02/2006 07:32 PM harris

Fixed a bug in the query system.

2938 03/01/2006 01:20 PM harris

Some style changes and small changes to the spatial querying system.

2935 02/27/2006 04:39 PM harris

Fixed the way the text query was written.

2926 02/27/2006 08:49 AM harris

interim checkin.

2924 02/24/2006 11:35 PM Matt Jones

Initial support for displaying FGDC metadata documents in metacat.
Added new returndoctype and returnfields to all query forms in the knp
skin to allow FGDC documents to display in the resultsets. Need to add
these to the other skins as well, and to clean up the FGDC stylesheet to...

2922 02/24/2006 06:15 PM Matt Jones

Patched to fix regression bug that prevented insertion of documents
without a DOCTYPE or namespace declaration due to an
ArrayOutOfBoundsException. Now these documents can be inserted, which
is useful for inserting FGDC documents that frequently do not have a...

2919 02/24/2006 04:55 PM harris

Modified the way the results page is displayed.

2918 02/24/2006 02:11 PM sgarg

Fix in getNamespace function. Bug reported by Margaret in testing for cases where no namespace is specified.

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