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Revision 3094

Added by Chris Jones over 18 years ago

I'm adding a set of EML XSL stylesheets that are separate but similar to those
found in the lib/style/common directory. I have created a directory called
'shared' (in libstyle) and put these modified stylesheets within it in order
to maintain backward compatibility with skins that were written previously
and that rely on the XSL stylesheets found in lib/style/common.

These style sheets originated from those developed by Matthew Brooke in 2004,
and are not complete. However, they represent an effort toward excising as
much of the styling information out of the XSL and putting it in the
accompanying CSS stylesheet. This includes moving from HTML-table based
layout to CSS-positioning layout. The intention was to enable data managers
to move blocks of metadata to locations in the resulting HTML document
that suits their needs, rather than displaying them solely in XML-document
order (i.e. first processed == first displayed).

  • added
  • modified
  • copied
  • renamed
  • deleted