


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  account 2971 almost 19 years Matt Jones New skin files for handling account management.
  default 3184 about 18 years Duane Costa Fix bug in the Advanced Search form reported by...
  dev 3034 over 18 years perry initial import of changes to metacat source and...
  esa 3209 about 18 years Jing Tao Add new variable getReviewsTemplate to fix the ...
  kepler 3286 almost 18 years berkley changed web site to use new documentation paths...
  knb 3029 over 18 years sgarg changed the set of stylesheets which will be us...
  knb2 3106 over 18 years perry Changes to map layout and skins according to in...
  knp 3306 over 17 years barteau Moved delete code out JSP and into MetacatClien...
  lter 3029 over 18 years sgarg changed the set of stylesheets which will be us...
  ltss 3029 over 18 years sgarg changed the set of stylesheets which will be us...
  nceas 3106 over 18 years perry Changes to map layout and skins according to in...
  nrs 3106 over 18 years perry Changes to map layout and skins according to in...
  obfs 3106 over 18 years perry Changes to map layout and skins according to in...
  pisco 3093 over 18 years Chris Jones I'm adding the two html templates from the OBFS...
  specnet 3046 over 18 years bowdish updated SpecNet Home link to http://www.specnet...
README.txt 1.09 KB 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
3306 06/22/2007 04:09 PM barteau

Moved delete code out JSP and into

3302 06/19/2007 11:25 AM barteau

Changed the height setting for an iframe.

3301 06/19/2007 11:22 AM barteau

Changes include: 1) Separate "Search for Data" between public users and logged-in users, 2) Separate "Browse Data Sets" for public users and logged-in users,
3) Ability to get a list of Doc Id's based on a specified scope, 4) Ability to select a data package or data file by selecting from a list of Doc Id's, 5) Ability to "Delete" data files,...

3299 06/18/2007 04:42 PM barteau

Initial checkin. Convenient xhtml snippet to be included in a JSP file, to define several input parameters required by MetaCatServlet.
Alternative to using javascript or repetitive html.

3286 05/17/2007 09:40 AM berkley

changed web site to use new documentation paths. this break a lot of stuff because metacat won't return the subelements of an xpath query. this will have to be fixed through metacat

3284 05/14/2007 04:23 PM barteau

KNP skin customization. Initial checkin of new file. Called by the standard skin javascript protocol of "insertLoginBox()".
This contains a non-modal "Login Form" and account management links. It also contains a web form for inserting a new metacat data package.

3283 05/14/2007 04:19 PM barteau

KNP skin customization. Added a call the the standard skin javascript protocol of "insertLoginBox()". This replaces the prior "Login Form" and "Manage Account" section, which have been removed.
This code is now in the new SaeonLogin.jspx file.

3282 05/14/2007 04:08 PM barteau

Modified the iframeloginboxclass class. Customized for the KNP skin.

3281 05/14/2007 04:05 PM barteau

Added LOGINBOX_URL and IFRAME_LOGINBOX_CLASS. Customized for the KNP skin.

3262 05/08/2007 11:41 AM berkley

paging now works in a more normal manner. also fixed a bug where the last page would display too many results.

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