Test file for query group.
A query client to test metacat performance
Added a new class called Sitemap that is used to generate a series of XML documents representing the URLs of metacat documents following the sitemap protocol. The Sitemap class extends TimerTask so that it can be scheduled to run once a day or so. New configuration options were added to metacat.properties to control where the sitemaps are written and hw often they are updated. By default we do it once a day, as more often is overkill for search engines....
Currently every MetacatClientTest will generate new doicd and the the docid will be reused. So it will generate problem. I add new method to persistent the doicd in a file and this problem was fixed.
The generateId method somethimes couldn't generate a unique id if you put theminto a big for loop. So i added append to a random number at the end. It works wll
Add delete method in inserting spatial data.
Add new method to keep inserting spatial data.
Fixed exception handler
Removed the debugMessage method which was removed from MetacatUtil class.
Eliminated the 'release' ant tag from the rest of the files. The 'release' property is still used in build.xml for creating releases, but the filter is no longer presnt. Now, when updating the metacat files for a release, you have to set the release version in both the build.xml and the metacat.properties files.
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