


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
ClientViewHelper.jspx 2.24 KB 3394 over 17 years barteau Modifications to allow for other types of usage...
fgdc_1.xsl 12.5 KB 3453 over 17 years barteau Modified form action URL's. Removed call to ma...
nbii-metacat.xsl 23 KB 2921 about 19 years Matt Jones Experimental stylesheet for rendering NBII/FGDC...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
3453 09/17/2007 02:07 PM barteau

Modified form action URL's. Removed call to map. Used shorter version of JSP syntax in forms.

3400 09/04/2007 05:49 PM barteau

Added Delete buttons to the package update form. Also includes several html structural/aesthethic changes.

3394 09/04/2007 05:16 PM barteau

Modifications to allow for other types of usage, other than file updates, such as file deletes.

3374 08/24/2007 05:07 PM barteau

Provides a mechanism to access clientview classes from an XSLT-generated HTML document (within the skins framework).
Serves as a servlet for "updating" files from XSLT-generated html multipart-forms.
It simply forwards the multi-part request to the ClientViewHelper java class....

3373 08/24/2007 04:57 PM barteau

Added "Update" html forms functionality, and modified html appearance.

3327 07/25/2007 03:45 PM barteau

Initial checkin. Just a starting point for the FGDC Metadata xsl view.

2921 02/24/2006 06:13 PM Matt Jones

Experimental stylesheet for rendering NBII/FGDC documents in metacat.
This is a modified version of a stylesheet created by the NPS.

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