


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  common 3455 over 17 years barteau Confirmation dialag, which displays a message. ...
  images 3087 over 18 years perry Updated mapbuilder interface with some cosmetic...
  shared 3094 over 18 years Chris Jones I'm adding a set of EML XSL stylesheets that ar...
  skins 3459 over 17 years ben leinfelder added: -zoom on map with named locations for qu...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
3459 09/17/2007 02:56 PM ben leinfelder

-zoom on map with named locations for quick spatial searching based on selected park name (hooray javascript!)
-narrow search by selected park name
-cursor tracking in lat/lon
-alpha sort for left nav
-reference to fgdc in footer copy

3455 09/17/2007 02:14 PM barteau

Confirmation dialag, which displays a message. Initial checkin. Intended to be the destination JSP when an entire data package is deleted (i.e. deleting the metadata file). Placed in common folder, since it is not skin specific.

3454 09/17/2007 02:11 PM barteau

Moved location of file from skin to common, since it is independant of a single skin. Modified most of the internal code to allow redirecting request to an appropriate destination.

3453 09/17/2007 02:07 PM barteau

Modified form action URL's. Removed call to map. Used shorter version of JSP syntax in forms.

3451 09/16/2007 09:37 AM ben leinfelder

insert mapframe in included page, rather than index.jsp -
columns layout correctly this way.

3450 09/16/2007 09:36 AM ben leinfelder

rearrange map controls to right side of image.
remove extraneous style.css ref

3449 09/16/2007 09:35 AM ben leinfelder

do not use absolute positioning for mapFrame - goofs up the cursor bounding box dragging offset

3448 09/16/2007 09:34 AM ben leinfelder

do not render Kruger-specific layers in mapbuilder frame

3446 09/14/2007 03:35 PM ben leinfelder

include SANParks boundary layer in the geoserver for sanparks skin

3445 09/14/2007 03:34 PM ben leinfelder

use the sanparks giraffe image

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