


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 3296 almost 18 years Jing Tao Replacing mutiple mkdir command by "mkdir -p".
  docs 3406 over 17 years Jing Tao Add docs for setup other client such as ldapsea...
  lib 3519 over 17 years ben leinfelder Mokala is actually farther north than the garde...
  src 3517 over 17 years barteau Added new functionality for action="Set Access"...
  test 3465 over 17 years Jing Tao Add a new test to test new query method with qf...
LICENSE 17.7 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
README 20.6 KB 3376 over 17 years Jing Tao Add release for 1.7.1 5.38 KB 3370 over 17 years Jing Tao Change the https port from 80 to 443 1.03 KB 670 about 24 years Matt Jones Updated build files with minor documentation ch...
build.xml 65.2 KB 3467 over 17 years Jing Tao Use localhost to replace the host name in case ...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
3519 10/17/2007 09:51 AM ben leinfelder

Mokala is actually farther north than the garden route parks....

3518 10/15/2007 04:48 PM ben leinfelder

organize the various file action buttons
annotate table cells with classes defined in stylesheet (now they can be customized for each skin!)
make the data labels (table cells) a bit more sleek (css)

3517 10/12/2007 04:02 PM barteau

Added new functionality for action="Set Access". Includes methods handleChangeAccess, setPublicAccess and getNodeTextStack. Also, cleaned up some code as a result.

3516 10/12/2007 03:57 PM barteau

Modified string constant "SUB_DOCS_PATH" to be static and public accessible.

3515 10/12/2007 03:55 PM barteau

Modified to accept (and display) parameters "publicRead" and "message". Modifications to allow users to change public access to package.

3514 10/12/2007 03:48 PM barteau

Added param to indicate if public has read access or not, in the method "readFromMetacat". It only does this if reading a metadata document, for a skin-format,
and the user is not public. This is useful to the skin's metadata display/editing form, for indicating public accessiblity (or inaccessibility)....

3513 10/11/2007 04:37 PM barteau

Some minor code cleanup.

3512 10/11/2007 03:58 PM barteau

Fixed bug where the Permission Order was always being set to 'allowFirst'.
It was comparing against the constant AccessControlInterface.DENYFIRST with the variable name surrounded by quotes. Removed the quotes and updated comments.

3511 10/11/2007 07:16 AM ben leinfelder

use garden route park boundary box coordinates for the four "missing" areas (knysna, tsit, mokala, wilderness)

3510 10/09/2007 06:15 PM ben leinfelder

initial skin draft for FIRST project as metacat deployment.
will require [much] more customization to be fully useful for project, but this is a start.

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