


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  nceas 360 over 24 years bojilova Cleared hardcoded paths for the location of .ht...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
360 08/15/2000 01:02 PM bojilova

Cleared hardcoded paths for the location of .html files and use
the new "htmlpath" property from file

355 08/15/2000 08:58 AM berkley

Added decodeMouseAction(Hashtable) to decode the mouse click action outside of handleGetOrPost to allow for easy modification of images in a different application.

354 08/14/2000 03:31 PM berkley

added new constructor to allow the creation of a metacatutil object that uses a properties file other than edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.metacat.

351 08/14/2000 02:28 PM berkley

Broke up handleQueryAction into handleQuery, handleSQuery, runQuery and transformDocument. handleQueryAction is now a base function which makes calls to each of these functions to create, run and transform a query from CGI parameters.

350 08/14/2000 02:26 PM berkley

Added createSQuery() to handle structured queries of an arbitrary number of parameters. Also modified createQuery() to handle a null query in a graceful manner.

349 08/14/2000 01:53 PM Matt Jones

Added "release" keyword to all metacat source files so that the release
number will be evident in software distributions.

348 08/14/2000 01:43 PM Matt Jones

Updated build process to now use a copy of the source files so that keyword
substitution can ocur before the build. This allows for substitution of
hardcoded values into the source before the compile. Currently, I am
using this feature to do the following:...

346 08/14/2000 11:27 AM bojilova

added Logout handling

345 08/14/2000 11:11 AM bojilova

clear lib dir from paths like xmltodb/lib/something.html

344 08/14/2000 10:59 AM bojilova

on "DELETE" added delete from xml_index table for a given docid
before delete from xml_documents, b' of foreign key in xml_index(docid)
to xml_documents(docid)

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