


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  common 3679 about 17 years barteau Turnkey installer modifications: replace cgi-p...
  images 3559 over 17 years bowdish download files icon
  shared 3094 over 18 years Chris Jones I'm adding a set of EML XSL stylesheets that ar...
  skins 3672 about 17 years ben leinfelder replace relative urls (for stylesheets, js file...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
3679 01/14/2008 09:02 AM barteau

Turnkey installer modifications: replace cgi-prefix tokens with 'cgi-url' param.

3676 01/11/2008 11:39 AM barteau

Removed the use of String.contains() to make it java 1.4 compliant.

3672 01/10/2008 09:52 AM ben leinfelder

replace relative urls (for stylesheets, js files, and even form actions) with absolute paths. yes, this means using ant tokens still.
needed for using 'sanparks' as the default skin when deployed on

3671 01/07/2008 10:34 AM barteau

Revise relative referances to skin directory

3670 01/07/2008 10:31 AM barteau

Revise relative referance to resultset-table.xsl

3669 01/03/2008 04:57 PM ben leinfelder

add support for selecting records for only one question from a set of one or more assessment response data files

3668 01/02/2008 02:40 PM barteau

Turnkey Installer modification: remove locale specific ant tokens with relative paths.

3667 01/02/2008 02:27 PM barteau

Turnkey Installer modification: remove locale specific ant tokens with relative paths.

3666 12/20/2007 02:59 PM bowdish

Removed "Last Modified July 10, 2007" section because it is static and people may think that it means the data package was last modified then.

3664 12/19/2007 02:58 PM walbridge

Modified knb.xml to re-enable login.xsl processing for the registry workflow: after a 'login' request, the user will be correctly redirected to the registry form.

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