change the resultset format for DataGuide
Changed the flow of query and SQuery. SQuery now only handles a preformatted pathquery document as input (in the "query" parameter).HandleQuery now handles all structured queries derived by CGI parameters.
Made changes to createSQuery to allow for multiple parameters of the same name. Also changed the param list to include only "Hashtable params" without a "String doctype" since the doctype is already contained in the params.
fixed bug with handleSQuery() that kept DMan from access the squery functionality
- created transformResultset() which transforms an xml resultset document and displays it to the client useing DBTransform- renamed transformDocument() to createResultDocument() and modified its functionality to only return a restultset xml document- changed handleSQuery() and handleQuery() to use the new methods
remove handleQueryAction() in favor of directly calling handleQuery() and handleSQuery() from doGetOrPost()
Cleared hardcoded paths for the location of .html files and usethe new "htmlpath" property from file
Added decodeMouseAction(Hashtable) to decode the mouse click action outside of handleGetOrPost to allow for easy modification of images in a different application.
added new constructor to allow the creation of a metacatutil object that uses a properties file other than edu.ucsb.nceas.metacat.metacat.
Broke up handleQueryAction into handleQuery, handleSQuery, runQuery and transformDocument. handleQueryAction is now a base function which makes calls to each of these functions to create, run and transform a query from CGI parameters.
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