


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 366 over 24 years Matt Jones Modified binaries to change classpath for metac...
  docs 207 over 24 years Matt Jones added new javadoc documentation for new classes
  images 104 almost 25 years Matt Jones added servlet interface images
  lib 369 over 24 years Matt Jones Changed "xmltodb" to "@html-path@/style" so tha...
  src 374 over 24 years bojilova change the resultset format for DataGuide 76 Bytes 329 over 24 years Matt Jones -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new inst...
build.xml 5.08 KB 367 over 24 years Matt Jones changed release version
test-query.xml 709 Bytes 329 over 24 years Matt Jones -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new inst...
test.xml 328 Bytes 67 almost 25 years Matt Jones modified make to add xml validation code

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
374 08/17/2000 11:06 AM bojilova

change the resultset format for DataGuide

373 08/17/2000 09:04 AM berkley

Changed the flow of query and SQuery. SQuery now only handles a preformatted pathquery document as input (in the "query" parameter).
HandleQuery now handles all structured queries derived by CGI parameters.

372 08/17/2000 09:02 AM berkley

Made changes to createSQuery to allow for multiple parameters of the same name. Also changed the param list to include only "Hashtable params" without a "String doctype" since the doctype is already contained in the params.

371 08/16/2000 01:08 PM berkley

fixed bug with handleSQuery() that kept DMan from access the squery functionality

370 08/16/2000 11:48 AM berkley

- created transformResultset() which transforms an xml resultset document and displays it to the client useing DBTransform
- renamed transformDocument() to createResultDocument() and modified its functionality to only return a restultset xml document
- changed handleSQuery() and handleQuery() to use the new methods

369 08/15/2000 04:07 PM Matt Jones

Changed "xmltodb" to "html-path/style" so that the resultset.xsl
stylesheet could be found in various servlet contexts.

367 08/15/2000 03:29 PM Matt Jones

changed release version

366 08/15/2000 03:27 PM Matt Jones

Modified binaries to change classpath for metacat.jar under new
build process.

365 08/15/2000 02:52 PM Matt Jones

Repository reorganization, and some file cleanup to make the XSL and CSS
files portable to various installations of metacat (by using the
build.xml file substitution in the XSL files). Removed "xsqltest" directory
because it is no longer needed. Created new "style" directory inside of...

363 08/15/2000 02:25 PM Matt Jones

removed unneeded replace command

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