


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 407 over 24 years Matt Jones Folded the functionality from DBWriter into Doc...
  docs 207 over 24 years Matt Jones added new javadoc documentation for new classes
  images 104 almost 25 years Matt Jones added servlet interface images
  lib 456 over 24 years berkley updated this style sheet to display only resour...
  src 461 over 24 years bojilova writeDocID() not needed any more throw SAXExcep... 76 Bytes 329 over 24 years Matt Jones -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new inst...
build.xml 5.61 KB 412 over 24 years berkley fixed typ-o
test-query.xml 709 Bytes 329 over 24 years Matt Jones -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new inst...
test.xml 489 Bytes 430 over 24 years Matt Jones Updated the test.xml file to use more XML featu...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
461 09/20/2000 01:22 PM bojilova

writeDocID() not needed any more
throw SAXException from everywhere

460 09/20/2000 01:21 PM bojilova

on character(cbuf, start, len) included:
if currentNode.getTagName().equals("title")
instead of using:
currentDocument.setTitleFromChildElement() in endDocument() call

459 09/20/2000 01:15 PM bojilova

change Assession# generation to use the same db connection

458 09/20/2000 10:58 AM berkley

Updated the download data function. the download data function now pulls a document from the database, zips it up and sends the zip stream to the client. It also zips up any related files. a relation parameter is used to pass related files to the servlet. If only one document should be zipped and sent, a single docid in the param hashtable is sufficient.

457 09/15/2000 05:40 PM bojilova

changes related to decrease the time of INSERT of document.
With these changes I inserted 200KB file for 3 minutes, 50KB for 50sec.
This is mainly simplifing the DBSAXNode class and
using batching feature of Oracle JDBC driver.

456 09/15/2000 03:16 PM berkley

updated this style sheet to display only resource documents and their related files. Also added hidden input params to the images on the left so that the related document info is sent back to the servlet when documentation or an abstract is requested.

455 09/15/2000 12:53 PM berkley

this stylesheet now processes relation information.

454 09/15/2000 12:53 PM berkley

This allows for the easy handling of metacat:// urls. The documentation in the source code explains the specification for the url in detail.

453 09/15/2000 12:52 PM berkley

Added functionality for package specifications. metacatservlet now contains a new action called getrelateddocument that handles retrieving related documents using the metacatURL specification ( DBQuery contains new code in runQuery that embeds relation tags in the returned hashtable describing the documents related to each docid. querySpecification contains a new method which prints the sql that does the relation query.

452 09/14/2000 12:33 PM bojilova

store generated Access# in meta_file_id tag if there are any

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