


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
eml-dataset-display.xsl 4.69 KB 497 over 24 years Matt Jones Various changes to improve consistency of the M...
eml-file-display.xsl 7.02 KB 497 over 24 years Matt Jones Various changes to improve consistency of the M...
eml-variable-display.xsl 4.57 KB 497 over 24 years Matt Jones Various changes to improve consistency of the M...
resource.xsl 11.1 KB 499 over 24 years Matt Jones More user interface changes to the HTML MARINE ...
resultset.xsl 3.2 KB 497 over 24 years Matt Jones Various changes to improve consistency of the M...
rowcol.css 564 Bytes 497 over 24 years Matt Jones Various changes to improve consistency of the M...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
499 10/09/2000 12:33 PM Matt Jones

More user interface changes to the HTML MARINE interface. Minor
rearrangement of columns, some link changes.

497 10/05/2000 06:50 PM Matt Jones

Various changes to improve consistency of the MARINE and METACAT user
interfaces as presented through the XSL->HTML conversions. Eliminated
one (extraneous) copy of the rowcol.css style sheet in favor of sharing
a single css stylesheet in xmltodb/lib/style/rowcol.css. Modified all...

470 09/26/2000 03:09 PM berkley

added new fields

432 09/05/2000 08:43 AM berkley

style sheet for resource documents

365 08/15/2000 02:52 PM Matt Jones

Repository reorganization, and some file cleanup to make the XSL and CSS
files portable to various installations of metacat (by using the
build.xml file substitution in the XSL files). Removed "xsqltest" directory
because it is no longer needed. Created new "style" directory inside of...

329 08/08/2000 05:39 PM Matt Jones

-Reorganized xmltodb module to support new install process for the new
linux server ( Added "" shell script that
calls ant withthe proper umask set for installation. Use:

./ install

to post a new copy of the servlet and its supporting files to the install...

119 06/01/2000 04:05 PM Matt Jones

updated paths to reflect new file locations

105 05/20/2000 03:07 PM Matt Jones

minor formatting and display update

103 05/19/2000 05:07 PM Matt Jones

updated servlet UI and added new intgrated document validity feature to servlet. Working on transformation feature.

102 05/15/2000 12:19 AM Matt Jones

debugging form submission

View revisions

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