


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
navigation.js 392 Bytes 5129 over 15 years Chris Jones Here are the three javascript libraries associa...
parc.cfg 1.13 KB 5128 over 15 years Chris Jones I'm adding the parc.cfg configuration file, whi...
parc.js 3.05 KB 5129 over 15 years Chris Jones Here are the three javascript libraries associa... 1.84 KB 5124 over 15 years Chris Jones I'm adding the properties file configured for t... 4.49 KB 5125 over 15 years Chris Jones I'm adding the Metacat metadata properties file...
parc.xml 1.27 KB 5126 over 15 years Chris Jones This is the PARC XML configuration file. I've ...
search.js 6.89 KB 5129 over 15 years Chris Jones Here are the three javascript libraries associa...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
5129 11/23/2009 09:34 AM Chris Jones

Here are the three javascript libraries associated with the PARC skin. The only real changes are in the search.js file, where metacat searches have absolute XPaths in the search criteria. The return fields remain as relative XPaths to be consistent with the rendering code for the skin.

5128 11/23/2009 09:32 AM Chris Jones

I'm adding the parc.cfg configuration file, which is effectively a copy of the nceas.cfg file.

5126 11/23/2009 09:29 AM Chris Jones

This is the PARC XML configuration file. I've removed the EML beta 4-6 doctype identifiers since this skin will only deal with EML 2.1.0 documents.

5125 11/23/2009 09:26 AM Chris Jones

I'm adding the Metacat metadata properties file for the PARC installation.

5124 11/23/2009 09:25 AM Chris Jones

I'm adding the properties file configured for the Palmyra Atoll Research Consortium's installation.

5123 11/23/2009 09:15 AM Chris Jones

I'm adding in the parc directory, which will contain the skin for the Palmyra Atoll Research Consortium.

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