a parser to handle replication xml messages
change for using the db connection
Updated the Javadoc documentation so that the current release can be providedon the web site.
Fixed problem with AuthInterface, AuthLdap, and AuthMcat where thesigantures of the methods of these classes were not in agreement, which wascausing AuthLdap to no longer compile. Changed parameter signatures so thatthe 'user' parameter is used consistently in all of the methods.
bug fix about util.openDBConnection() for xmlIndex tread
small fix for exception when srbMaster is not running
XSLT transformation on "login" and "logout" action
AuthMcat- new class for authentication through MCA; implements AuthInterfaceAuthSession- assigning HttpSession obj only after successful athentication;- cleared isAuthenticated field - not needed- cleared invalidate() method - not neededAuthInterface...
Began work on new UI for the KNB web site. It will be the main queryinterface from the KNB website.
Fixed the LDAP authentication adapter (AuthLdap.java) so that it now looks upthe distinguished name for a user before attempting to do authentication.This is because the user's distinguished name can sometimes be based ontheir uid attribute, but sometimes be based on their cn (common name)...
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