added exception testing to the crud test
getting getSystemMetadata to work
refactored XMLSchemaService to not have static methods. made the CrudServiceTest more robust.
removed system.outs
fixed schema location bug. the dataone schemas are now correclty found
removed CrudService dependency on servlet params. CrudService is now a singleton. I'm getting an error from metacat saying it can't find teh systemmetadata schema, even though it is, in fact, registered with metacat. need to identify why this is happening.
refactoring to remove duplicate code
adding a system to track system metadata documents for dataone
Added initial implementation of getSystemMetadata and its associated REST service. Current implementation is returning a hardcoded system metadata document -- need to look up the real document for each guid and return that.
Completed main parts of CrudService.create(). Now the method writes both data and metadata objects along with their system metadata, and handles the mapping between global identifiers and local identifiers. Access control and logging still need to be dealt with to properly authenticate and then log activities.
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