


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  conversions 4551 over 16 years walbridge Add EML 2.0.x to EML 2.1.0 conversion XSLT. Or...
  fgdc 5600 over 14 years ben leinfelder include css classes for skins (like default and...
  jquery 5703 over 14 years ben leinfelder move jquery and jquery plugins from semtools to...
  prototype- 3528 over 17 years ben leinfelder add latest stable prototype (ajax) release
  spatial_templates 4323 over 16 years ben leinfelder Upgrade to MapBuilder 1.5rc2
  templates 5710 over 14 years ben leinfelder include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query...
  widgets 5311 almost 15 years daigle Merge 1.9.2 changes back into the trunk
ClientViewHelper.jspx 1.94 KB 5031 over 15 years daigle Change location of PropertyService to propertie...
accordion.js 27.1 KB 2890 about 19 years sgarg PMARK: decreased overall width PMARK: fixed doc...
ajax-utils.js 2.43 KB 5183 about 15 years daigle Remove commas from the end of lists because the...
ascii-treeview.xsl 5.91 KB 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...
branding.js 8.85 KB 5723 over 14 years ben leinfelder lookup the annotation details for each column i...
browse.xsl 9.25 KB 5710 over 14 years ben leinfelder include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query...
common-settings.jsp 4.53 KB 5710 over 14 years ben leinfelder include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query...
configure-check.jsp 1.14 KB 5027 over 15 years daigle Change MetaCatVersion to MetacatVersion
confirm.jspx 619 Bytes 3455 over 17 years barteau Confirmation dialag, which displays a message. ...
download.xsl 1.9 KB 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...
effects.js 31.4 KB 2932 about 19 years anderson thi is the effect library.
eml_xsl.css 6.86 KB 5311 almost 15 years daigle Merge 1.9.2 changes back into the trunk
generic-morpho.xsl 539 Bytes 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...
generic.xsl 672 Bytes 1929 over 21 years brooke This is the merge from the branch WEB_UI_REDESI...
keywords-list.xsl 6.34 KB 5710 over 14 years ben leinfelder include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query...
log.xsl 3.85 KB 5701 over 14 years ben leinfelder use simple mode - just read events tallied
login.xsl 3.24 KB 4007 over 16 years ben leinfelder merge 1.8.1 to head
prototype.js 46.6 KB 2887 about 19 years anderson Adding review resources.
resultset-table.xsl 13.3 KB 3780 almost 17 years daigle Changes to remove ANT tokens for the turnkey in...
resultset.xsl 2.96 KB 3780 almost 17 years daigle Changes to remove ANT tokens for the turnkey in...
review_behaviors.js 4.94 KB 4613 over 16 years walbridge Replace usage of 'cgi-url' with 'cgi-prefix' in...
reviews.css 1.51 KB 2890 about 19 years sgarg PMARK: decreased overall width PMARK: fixed doc...
scheduleWorkflow.js 1.82 KB 4987 over 15 years daigle Add debug statement
scheduledWorkflowResultset.xsl 5.13 KB 5117 over 15 years daigle Include kar id in delete url parameters so resu...
searchWorkflow.js 7.96 KB 5354 almost 15 years Jing Tao Change the return type from kar to the namespace.
searchWorkflowResultset.xsl 6.72 KB 5354 almost 15 years Jing Tao Change the return type from kar to the namespace.
searchWorkflowRun.js 7.6 KB 5354 almost 15 years Jing Tao Change the return type from kar to the namespace.
searchWorkflowRunResultset.xsl 5.54 KB 5354 almost 15 years Jing Tao Change the return type from kar to the namespace.
spatial_results.css 738 Bytes 2914 about 19 years anderson adding metacat spatial query results styles
spatial_results.xsl 3.09 KB 2930 about 19 years anderson NOT USED ANYMORE, but this is the latest version.

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
5723 12/13/2010 03:34 PM ben leinfelder

lookup the annotation details for each column in the data table

5710 12/09/2010 10:04 AM ben leinfelder

include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query search, mostly)

5705 12/08/2010 01:14 PM ben leinfelder

catch error when jQuery is not included in the page, but do nothing

5704 12/08/2010 12:44 PM ben leinfelder

include loadStats() method in branding.js to be reused more widely (with qformat parameter)

5703 12/08/2010 11:51 AM ben leinfelder

move jquery and jquery plugins from semtools to common directory - reuse in default skin

5701 12/07/2010 04:40 PM ben leinfelder

use simple mode - just read events tallied

5696 12/07/2010 03:31 PM ben leinfelder

add stats to semtools

5694 12/07/2010 02:03 PM ben leinfelder

add stylesheet for rendering simple stats for access log

5600 10/06/2010 11:46 AM ben leinfelder

include css classes for skins (like default and semtools) that use the "subGroup" class

5354 05/13/2010 04:28 PM Jing Tao

Change the return type from kar to the namespace.

View revisions

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