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Revision 6023

Added by Chris Jones over 13 years ago

This is the start of the ObjectFormatService, which manages the list of object formats registered within Metacat. This includes schema types, mime types, and other information related to a particular format. The service provides functionality for the DataONE MemberNode and CoordinatingNode components, with CoordinatingNodes providing the authoritative list of object formats. See

ObjectFormatService provides the following fields:
logMetacat - The instance of the logging class
objectFormatService - The singleton instance of the object format service
OBJECT_FORMATS_SCOPE - The scope of the object formats docid used as the metacat identifier.
rev - The revision of the object formats document

Provides the following singleton method:
getInstance() - Get the instance of the ObjectFormatService that has been instantiated, or instantiate one if it has not been already.
And the following stubbed methods that override methods in BaseService:
doRefresh() - Refreshes the object format service by manually updating the object format document.
refreshable() - Indicate whether or not this service is refreshable.
stop() - Stop the ObjectFormatService.

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