save system metadata and/or science metadata and/or ORE objects to the local CN if needed.
small code cleanup - removed unused instantiations of DBUtils.
fixed logic wrt localID and docid. Implemented new method in IdentifierManager to getAllGUIDs from identifier table for implementation of loadAllKeys in ObjectPathMapLoader.
further development of ObjectPathMapLoader.
new class for refreshing the hazelcast map with metacat. Initial commit.
check session != null before checking authorization
Add stub methods in CNodeService that implement the Hazelcast EntryListener interface: entryAdded(), entryRemoved(), entryUpdated(), and entryEvicted(). Add a listener to the hzSystemMetadata map so the CNodeService can respond to those events and create appropriate CNReplicationTask objects for distributed execution across the CN cluster. Again, stubs only so far.
Minor cleanup - tabs to spaces.
Enable CNodeService to access 1) the hzNodes map defined in the DataONE process cluster by becoming a Hazelcast client (hzClient) to that cluster and 2) the hzSystemMetadata map defined in the DataONE storage cluster by becoming a member to that cluster (using direct Hazelcast calls). Added fields for maintaining the DataONE cluster properties.
Add in the Hazelcast Id generation namespace and an IdGenerator instance for task ids. Hazelcast will produce cluster-wide unique ids for the "task-ids" namespace, to be used when creating CNreplicationTask objects.
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