Modify CNodeService's registerSystemMetadata() with support for SystemMetadata's serialVersion field. Also, use the hzSystemMetadata map for all system metadata reads using a lock on the pid in order to get the very latest version. This affected isNodeAuthorized(), getChecksum(), and assertRelation(). Since we're using Hazelcast, exceptions are masked as RuntimeException, so throw a ServiceFailure with the underlying message.
Modify CNodeService's updateSystemMetadata(), setReplicationStatus(), setReplicationPolicy(), and setOwner() with support for SystemMetadata's serialVersion field. Other methods still pending an update. Use the hzSystemMetadata map for all system metadata reads using a lock on the pid in order to get the very latest version.
SystemMetadataManager's functionality is handled by IdentifierManager. Removing it and it's test.
MetadataTypeRegister is now replaced by ObjectFormatService. Removing it and it's test.
include clearer error message when UPDATE action is requested on a replicated document and we fail to successfully get a lock from the source Metacat server
move the DataONE 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
correctly check for missing config values during geoserver configuration
Configure and use CertificateManager in order to act as the MN when performing replicate() and getReplica() mthods.
use logging, not system.out
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