


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  images 5132 over 15 years Chris Jones These are the minimal images used in the PARC s...
index.html 529 Bytes 5145 over 15 years daigle Redirect to parc skin
index.jsp 8.16 KB 5146 over 15 years daigle hard code parc home url
map.jsp 2.84 KB 5861 about 14 years ben leinfelder use OpenLayers implementation for rendering map...
navigation.js 392 Bytes 5129 over 15 years Chris Jones Here are the three javascript libraries associa...
parc-common.xsl 3.84 KB 5981 about 14 years ben leinfelder adjust stylesheets to accommodate new default e...
parc-login.xsl 3.43 KB 5143 over 15 years Chris Jones I've replaced hard-coded URL strings in the PAR...
parc.css 7.91 KB 5981 about 14 years ben leinfelder adjust stylesheets to accommodate new default e...
parc.js 3.05 KB 5129 over 15 years Chris Jones Here are the three javascript libraries associa... 1.82 KB 5164 about 15 years daigle add parc-moderators to config.username 4.49 KB 5125 over 15 years Chris Jones I'm adding the Metacat metadata properties file...
parc.xml 1.23 KB 5710 about 14 years ben leinfelder include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query...
parc.xsl 2.8 KB 5134 over 15 years Chris Jones I've added in the XSL stylesheets for the PARC ...
search.js 8.09 KB 5816 about 14 years ben leinfelder include 'value' translations when searching EML...
settings.jsp 1.69 KB 5133 over 15 years Chris Jones I'm adding the settings and map JSPs. These ar...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
5981 02/17/2011 11:50 AM ben leinfelder

adjust stylesheets to accommodate new default eml rendering

5861 01/28/2011 03:53 PM ben leinfelder

use OpenLayers implementation for rendering map/spatial search

5816 01/18/2011 05:04 PM ben leinfelder

include 'value' translations when searching EML 2.1.1 (squery and query actions)

5710 12/09/2010 10:04 AM ben leinfelder

include EML 2.1.1 documents in skin (path query search, mostly)

5311 04/14/2010 11:31 AM daigle

Merge 1.9.2 changes back into the trunk

5164 12/18/2009 01:22 PM daigle

add parc-moderators to config.username

5155 12/08/2009 09:23 AM daigle

remove registry.config.username value

5147 12/02/2009 07:22 AM Chris Jones

I've removed the value for the PARC property since it isn't appropriate to this skin, and causes the registry CGI to produce two organization creator elements with the same value.

5146 12/01/2009 10:15 AM daigle

hard code parc home url

5145 12/01/2009 10:03 AM daigle

Redirect to parc skin

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