


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 407 over 24 years Matt Jones Folded the functionality from DBWriter into Doc...
  images 104 almost 25 years Matt Jones added servlet interface images
  lib 663 about 24 years berkley put in build strings instead of hard coded path...
  src 662 about 24 years berkley removed dependence on MetacatURL for URL handli... 76 Bytes 329 over 24 years Matt Jones -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new inst...
build.xml 6.76 KB 642 about 24 years berkley added the data port param
test-query.xml 709 Bytes 329 over 24 years Matt Jones -Reorganized xmltodb module to support new inst...
test.xml 489 Bytes 430 over 24 years Matt Jones Updated the test.xml file to use more XML featu...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
663 01/17/2001 11:44 AM berkley

put in build strings instead of hard coded paths to servers

662 01/17/2001 08:59 AM berkley

removed dependence on MetacatURL for URL handling. Added more flexible support for identifiers in the subject and object fields. They can now be just a docid, an http url or a metacat url.

661 01/16/2001 01:49 PM berkley

fixed bug in data file permission checking. (commited wrong file last time)

660 01/12/2001 09:55 AM bojilova

- turned on the validation in order only valid xml docs comformed to the specified dtd (if any) to be submitted in metacat
- with validation "on" white spaces are reported from ignorableWhitespace() callback, not from characters() (as with validation "off")...

659 01/12/2001 09:02 AM berkley

changed doctype of package files

658 01/11/2001 01:53 PM berkley

added more documentation

657 01/11/2001 01:44 PM berkley

changed getCookie to static

656 01/11/2001 01:37 PM berkley

added support for the new abstract class) to handle data file uploading through metnewninterface (actuall

655 01/11/2001 01:36 PM berkley

newninterface (actually an abstract class) to handle data file uploading through met

654 01/10/2001 01:34 PM berkley

fixed error in logic. sending the filesize as an int terminated by a zero failed when the file size was greater than 256. The filesize is now sent as a string followed by a zero.

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