


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  ucsb 6652 over 13 years ben leinfelder correct typo

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
6652 11/15/2011 10:47 AM ben leinfelder

correct typo

6651 11/15/2011 09:37 AM Chris Jones

Send the correct node id (the target node) when calling setReplicationStatus()

6650 11/14/2011 04:00 PM ben leinfelder

get pid from normal params, not the URL -- the client should include them in the params -- and not as a serialized "object" since it is just a string value

6649 11/14/2011 03:49 PM ben leinfelder

check obsoletes and obsoletedBy PIDs when updating objects

6648 11/14/2011 03:34 PM ben leinfelder

delete system metadata when MN.delete() is called.

6645 11/14/2011 02:59 PM ben leinfelder

throw InvalidToken when there is no session (certificate) provided in update() and delete() methods.

6644 11/13/2011 05:47 PM Chris Jones

Calls to setReplicationStatus() can only be made by a CN or the MN that is the target replica node. Implement this service restriction in CNodeService using CertificateManager's equalsDN() method.

6643 11/13/2011 04:47 PM Chris Jones

The ReplicationStatus parameter is 'status', not 'replicationStatus', in the architecture documentation.

6642 11/13/2011 03:50 PM Chris Jones

Although parameters for setReplicationStatus() are expected as multipart/form-data fields, they seem to be added to the HttpServletRequest as URL parameters during the proxy forwarding in d1_cn_rest_proxy. Test for their existence as multipart fields, but fall back to request params, otherwise, throw an InvalidRequest exception.

6639 11/11/2011 09:54 AM ben leinfelder

lookup stylesheet from for CN list objects and list formats. This is used in conjunction with the CN rest service deployment where the xslt is actually kept.

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