move replication configuration actions to the admin servlet and out of the replication servlet
save SystemMetadata when replicating data and metadata -- this way if/when the node decides to be a DataONE MN it already has the information needed for each object
Minor logging for isNodeAuthorized(), and compare subjects properly. Change this to Subject.compareTo() when it is vetted.
check for authenticated and verified user permissions
throw NotAuthorized when there is no session
Catch RuntimeExceptions thrown by Hazelcast as opposed to general Exceptions to we don't catch exceptions we're trying to throw.
get params from multipart params for systemMetadataChanged call
generalize exception handling -- add cause detail
Changes to setReplicationStatus and isNodeAuthorized(), working out minor bugs in replication.
include exception cause when throwing new exception (combine RuntimeException in Exception handling -- they are almst identical)
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