


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  dbadapter 5030 over 15 years daigle Change location of PropertyService to propertie...
  metacat 6816 about 13 years ben leinfelder interpret permissions as hierarchical https://r...
  protocols 3077 over 18 years Matt Jones Removed the @release@ ant token from all files ...
  shared 5015 over 15 years daigle Create database and shared directories for data...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
6816 12/22/2011 09:24 AM ben leinfelder

interpret permissions as hierarchical

6814 12/21/2011 01:00 PM ben leinfelder

remove flag for independent system metadata replication -- these entries are replicated along with the data/metadata objects or via hazelcast when the actual object is not on the server.

6808 12/20/2011 11:25 AM ben leinfelder

process the current revision, not the latest!
use direct object/system metadata insertion for ORE maps.

6807 12/20/2011 11:21 AM ben leinfelder

allow other Metacat process (system metadata and ORE generation) to directly insert objects and system metadata without having to go through the MN/CN methods.

6806 12/20/2011 11:19 AM ben leinfelder

sort the docids so that "old" revisions are processed before newer ones

6805 12/19/2011 01:07 PM ben leinfelder

only attempt to unlock a lock if it was created (in the finally block)

6803 12/16/2011 04:24 PM ben leinfelder

new jars with many changes -- including new CN methods: ping, describe, listChecksumAlgorithm. Removed MN.setAccessPolicy. Refactored CN.setOwner() to CN.setRightsHolder().

6802 12/16/2011 12:21 PM ben leinfelder

refresh the SystemMetadata entry for EML and referenced data files when parsing EML access rules -- this ensures our in-memory system metadata map is up to date WRT the DB entries.

6800 12/16/2011 11:00 AM ben leinfelder

add revision history to the generated ORE objects -- we use the revision history of the EML package as a basis because the each ORE revision mirrors the revision of the EML package.
Add a placeholder for checking if an equivalent ORE map exists in the DataONE infrastructure - this will be a call to that looks at the solr index for OREs based on the EML package ID.

6799 12/16/2011 09:56 AM Chris Jones

Update the parameter names expected for listObjects() to reflect the MN API changes in the architecture docs.

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