Set the replica status to failed (not invalidated) when we get exceptions trying to read the object bytes. Not much of a difference, but only the CN, in theory, is supposed to be able to set the invalidated status.
Set the replication status to invalidated when we have a localId, but getting the object bytes fails for any reason.
Only call super.create() if there's no localId found on the MN (ie a replica is there from an out of band process).
Get the object inputstream from the local metacat instance using MetacatHandler.get() rather than MN.getReplica() so we don't throw an InvalidToken exception when passing in a null Session. The D1Client object is never used for this local call.
interpret permissions as hierarchical
remove flag for independent system metadata replication -- these entries are replicated along with the data/metadata objects or via hazelcast when the actual object is not on the server.
process the current revision, not the latest!use direct object/system metadata insertion for ORE maps.
allow other Metacat process (system metadata and ORE generation) to directly insert objects and system metadata without having to go through the MN/CN methods.
sort the docids so that "old" revisions are processed before newer ones
only attempt to unlock a lock if it was created (in the finally block)
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