


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  ucsb 7040 about 13 years Chris Jones Add testIsEquivIdentityAuthorized() to ensure t...

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
7040 03/05/2012 06:36 PM Chris Jones

Add testIsEquivIdentityAuthorized() to ensure that [MN|CN].isAuthorized() is authorizing equivalent identities correctly. Note: Using TypeMarshaller.marshalTypeToOutputStream(type, System.out) to serialize an object seems to jack up output to stdout - not sure why.

6999 02/08/2012 10:58 AM ben leinfelder

refactor D1-specific upgrade utilities into their own package

6959 01/26/2012 09:34 PM ben leinfelder

test harness for running system metadata generation outside of the upgrade process

6958 01/26/2012 02:20 PM ben leinfelder

include comment about KNB estimated time to run during upgrade:
Total time: 20 minutes 58 seconds

6956 01/26/2012 10:49 AM ben leinfelder

use "test" to exercise upgrade code on staging DB.

6942 01/23/2012 03:36 PM Chris Jones

Update the MNodeServiceTest to test the validity of the node document returned by getCapabilities() by parsing it with the TypeMarshaller.

6934 01/23/2012 11:08 AM ben leinfelder

use RC-1 Dataone jars

6882 01/11/2012 11:31 AM ben leinfelder

remove method: assertRelation

6879 01/11/2012 09:39 AM Chris Jones

Use a Date with resolution to milliseconds.

6842 01/04/2012 02:48 PM ben leinfelder

include the EML and data tests in the suite

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