


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  bin 4810 about 16 years daigle moved file from metacat/bin to metacat/src/scri...
  docs 7119 almost 13 years Chris Jones It looks like jk.conf and we...
  lib 7166 almost 13 years ben leinfelder check if person's equivalentIdentity list is nu...
  src 7162 almost 13 years ben leinfelder handle authorization for delete() differently f...
  test 7164 almost 13 years ben leinfelder include testSynchronizationFailed() and call as...
LICENSE 17.7 KB 666 about 24 years Matt Jones Modified the license and copyright terms for ma...
README 30.7 KB 7138 almost 13 years ben leinfelder added 2.0.0 targeted bugs to the release notes ... 2.76 KB 6555 over 13 years ben leinfelder use 2.0.0 1.03 KB 670 about 24 years Matt Jones Updated build files with minor documentation ch...
build.xml 56.4 KB 7110 almost 13 years ben leinfelder actually use the filter token for stmml-1.1 schema 16.3 KB 6053 almost 14 years ben leinfelder remove very old "metacat webservice" code - as ...
  • svn:ignore: build
  • svn:mergeinfo: /branches/D1_0_6_2_BRANCH:6107-6121

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
7166 05/02/2012 04:21 PM ben leinfelder

check if person's equivalentIdentity list is null before processing recursively

7165 05/02/2012 03:59 PM ben leinfelder

D1 common lib AuthUtils update

7164 05/02/2012 09:11 AM ben leinfelder

include testSynchronizationFailed() and call as the CN subject so that it is authorized.

7163 05/02/2012 09:06 AM ben leinfelder

use MN (self) as the Session.subject so that the MN.delete() call is successful.

7162 05/02/2012 08:58 AM ben leinfelder

handle authorization for delete() differently for CN vs MN.
On the CN, only the CN (or tbd admin user) can call it.
On the MN, both the CN (or admin user) and the same MN can call it.

7161 05/01/2012 02:55 PM ben leinfelder

comment out testDelete because it requires acting as the MN
comment out testSynchronizationFailed because it requires acting as the CN

7160 05/01/2012 02:49 PM ben leinfelder

uncomment the MN tests (I bet this was an oversight during local testing)

7159 05/01/2012 02:48 PM ben leinfelder

add Session-less archive() method

7158 05/01/2012 11:59 AM ben leinfelder

jars with CN/MN.archive() libclient implementations

7157 05/01/2012 11:14 AM ben leinfelder

only admin users can call MN/CN.delete(). This is limited to any CN and only the MN that is calling itself

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