use ObjectFormatInfo libclient utility to look up mimeType and filename extension during get() calls. Configurable mapping file is deployed by default to /var/metacat/dataone where it can then be augmented as needed. This location is controlled in the file (which is injected into the DataONE Settings values during weapp intitialization)....
add count for the total processed pids (from ISet iterator)
handle /object?count=0 queries using simpler (quicker) sql
allow getlog action to use docid parameters that do not include revision. In these cases, the latest revision will be used.
handle case where we do not have a pathexpr to check
simplify the xml_access query, and instead use guid to check for permission. Now the docid/rev join (to get most recent version for search results) happens "higher up" in the query.
pass parameters to the getLog action for rendering in xslt
remove morpho.jar -- moved needed classes into shared utilities project. (currently building form utilities trunk -- be sure to 'ant fullclean' to get the latest utilities.jar built)
Update d1_common_java and d1_libclient_java to the newest jar files. Add methods to CNodeService to throw NotImplemented exceptions for query(), listQueryEngines(), and getQueryEngineDescription() since these API calls are handled outside of metacat.
do not allow updates to orphan another branch of revision history.
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